Forest farming
Main sources: "Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics" (National REsearch  Council) and "Race to save the tropics" edited by Robert Goodland.
We have to build a model of a sustainable and economically viable farm which could be used by the small farmers of the Amazon providing that their rights for land are respected (need of agrarian reform). Planning agroforestry means determining which regions can yield good crops, which trees have the right cycle, which plants can be grown on which soil, need of fertilizers or, better of ecological alternatives to fertilizers (like nitrogen-fixing trees). It is clear that this means a strong cooperation with the land and flora group

agroforestry: wide range of options which boil down to the idea that woody or herbaceous perennials are grown ooon land that also supports agricultural crops, animals or both. If well devised, such systems have many agronomic, environmental and socioeconomic benefits for resource-poor small-scale farmers. Enhanced nutrient cycling, fixing of nitrogen, efficient distribution of water and light (multistory canopy and differnd depth of roots), conservation of soil, natural suppression of weeds (by production of allelopathic compounds by perennials) and diversification of farm products.
silvopasture: same but with livestock plus trees.
perennial tree crop plantations: harvest of timber or tree products + cycling of nutrients through roots + conservation of soil + long-term investment on land (encourages more stability in the settlements)

in forest farming, one cultivates high-value specialty crops under the protection of a forest overstory that has been modified to provide the appropriate microclimate conditions.

list of things to be considered when planning a forest farming model:

end of Mission update:
Since then, I have done so much more research, and I know a whole lot more on agroforestry and possible agricultural practices for the tropics.
All this newly acquired knowledge has been used to devise an experimental farm. The main idea is to completely integrate it to the ecosystem so as to use in the most effective way the resources of the environment while being in harmony with it. This farm contains a lot of native perennials which maintain the local ecosystem, regenerate the soil and yield interesting non-timber porducts. Annual staple crops adapted to the tropical climate are grown in small fields surrounded by buffer zones and rows of trees to protect the environment and to allow a quick recovery of the forest when the land is abandoned or left in fallows. The various practices which allows for this organization are inspired from the most successful adaptive responses shown by indigenous populations. It is important to realize that the Amazon is an unwelcoming place for settlers. Classical agriculture does not work. one must be much more ingenious to survive. This is why the experience of the indigenous people (centuries of trial and error) is so valuable. They will be key players in the preservation and development of the forest.
 experimental farm

The farm is located in the state of Para along the tributary you can see on this GIS image provided by Embrapa. A description of the site (soil composition, surroundings...) is provided in the experimental farm document.  location of the farm