Effects of river level fluctuation on plant species richness, diversity and distribution in a floodplain in Central Amazon

Oecologia: Abstract Volume 120 Issue 4 (1999) pp 582-587

By Leandro Valle Ferreira, Thomas J. Stohlgren




Summary of points:

·        River levels fluctuate up to 14 m annually

·        Most plant species are well adapted to flooding

·        However, plot species richness and diversity are strongly negatively correlated with the water level and duration of flooding

·        In the experiment, the drier habitats hosted 54 species of trees with 6 unique species, while the lake habitats hosted 52 species and 3 unique species

·        Conclusions: 1. duration of flooding has a strong impact on species richness, diversity and plant distribution patterns and 2. most species are adapted to a wide range of habitats