November 13, 2002  The unofficial translations of these two major laws come from the LBA Research Website.
                                  Please feel free to access the website if you wish to to read the laws in more depth. The link can be found under the October 21st research.

Regulation No. 55


Submittal and Formulation of Applications

Decree No. 98830

(Provisions for the collection by foreigners of data and scientific materials in Brazil and other matters.)

In summary, in order for us to take a scientific expedition into the Amazon and do research, we must have a Brazilian Institution, whether it be the CNPq or an institution identified by the CNPq, that is willing to work with us. Then, we have to request authorization from one or more of the following agencies: MINTER, MRE, SADEN/PR, the Navy, etc. and include in our requested application all of the information required according to Regulation 55. A great idea would be to sign a contract with  Brazilian teaching and research institution since special consideration is given by the MCT to such ventures. Also, based on the criteria for granting a license, our group should consider the following factors: 1. Contribution of the proposed activities to Brazilian scientific and technological development 2. Technical and scientific reputation of the co-participating and co-responsible Brazilian institution (one of our best bets in this would be to get IBAMA or FUNAI to be our co0participating Brazilian Agency)  3. Degree of participation and responsibility of the Brazilian institution involved  4. Scientific qualifications and competence of the foreign participants  5. Methodology to be employed in carrying out the project  6. Financing sources and guarantees for the performance of the project. 7. Previous experience. In other words, we have to make our project sound beneficial, include good methods, have support, and include researchers with experience. These would only increase our chances at a successful plan implementation.