
About Us



Final Report

December 9, 2002 Updates to the team webpage did not take place during most of the month of November due to the reorganization of the teams into more effective problem-solving ones. However, all of the pages under the Projects section have been edited for content, spelling, and grammar. Data that had been missing from the Amphibians and Monitoring sections is now in place. Our final characterization for fauna is now available under the newest section.

November3, 2002 A major overhaul was done under the Projects page, adding several sub-project pages that go in-depth into individual research avenues that have been or are currently being explored by our group, including our initial research, bats, and fragmentation.

October 28, 2002 More updates... the project page has info on bats and edge effects. It probably has more info than that, but this page is getting updated first. Our report on fragmentation, edge effects, and critical area has been posted. Do enjoy.

October 22, 2002 The projects page has been brought up to date. Come back soon for more information on montioring indicator species.

October 20, 2002 Sorry about the lack of updation. However, we are well into working on the project. Right now, we're mainly identifying indicator species and trying to determine how to monitor indicator species. Some of the species we're looking at are bats and amphibians. Some other issues that have been covered are size of coniguous rainforest needed to maintain a healthy ecosystem, and the idea of dividing the rainforest into strata and trying to decide the health of the rainforest based off the health of the strata.

October 4, 2002
This website is completed and uploaded to Athena. Links and resources from individual member websites will be compiled at a later date and entered under Resources. The Projects page will be updated throughout the term as projects are created, modified, and/or terminated.