Migratory Species Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal
Team 6 Mission 2007

The Ecology of Migratory Species

Each year hundreds of migratory species visit that 1002 region of ANWR for a variety of purposes including breeding, calving, denning, feeding and hibernating.  Team 6's objective for mission 2007 is to research and assess the environmental impact of oil extraction on these animals, focusing mainly on species that breed and calve in the area.  Based on our research and that of other teams, we are formulating an educated assessment of the situation and estimate of the damage of oil extraction as well as the most environmentally safe method that would minimize effects on these species.

Team 6 Goals:

  • Gain an comprehensive understanding of the migratory patterns of species in the land, water and aire in the 1002 area
  • Find if this area is critical to any species (e.g., it serves as a breeding ground)
  • Focus on a key species that will be the most impacted by oil drilling, or a species that will impact humans the most if lost
  • Collaborate with team 7 to examine interactions between migratory and non-migratory species
  • Collaborate with team 5 to examine interaction of migratory species with the ecosystem
  • Give team 2 and 3 recommendations of times during the year that would be most damaging to species

  • Landscape Landscape MIT Logo

    Last updated: Nov. 10, 2003 (7:30 pm) Team6 - m2007-6@mit.edu