Mission 2007 Team 1: Hydrocarbon Potential of ANWR


My Research

Data Table

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The report in PDF
The technically recoverable resource assessment is now done! I have worked long...and hard...over Thanksgiving to get good data for it. Please edit it and get back to me on it. Thanks.

Welcome --
My name is Andrew Pinkham. For Team 1 my particular research is focused on assessing how environmental risk factors affect my team's estimate of the hydrocarbon potential of the 1002 area of ANWR.

The above graph is in the Fact Sheet(Executive Summary) of the USGS Open File Report 98-34. This assessment includes economic analysis as well as recoverabillity analysis. Basically, I propose adding a 4th curve to this which is "Environmentally-friendly recoverable" which would certainly lie to the left of the economically recoverable curve. This would represent the petroleum potential while maintaining a certain level of environmental preservation and stewardship. All of my new research will be posted below. Feel free to email me with questions or suggestions.
-- Andrew Pinkham

Progress and News

I developed a method for comparing the relative dominance of each type of hydrocarbon in each play. The data is exclusively from chapter RS of the USGS Open File Report 98-34. It is designed as an aid for team e to determine which drilling method will be relatively dominant in each play compared to other plays, based on which type of petroleum is comparatively dominant there. The spreadsheet and more information is available here. Follow>>

The 10 plays are the basis for understanding the USGS report, as well as many other hydrocarbon potential assessments. These plays are interconnected in their potential, and can fluctuate based on changes in adjacent plays. Here I made a flash animation to help visualize the locations of the plays in the 1002 area. Enjoy the show. Follow>>

My article summary for the Team 1 meeting on Wednesday is now posted. It is of a report on an assessment simulation done by the Department of Natural Resources to evaulate the geophysical aspects of the coastal plain of ANWR. Follow>>

I have begun to compile a data table with hydrocarbon estimates from multiple assessments. There are only 2 reports included in it right now. This is just for analysis, its not supposed to be our own data of course. Follow>>
