Mission 2007 Banner ANWR Banner
Projected Timeline

        10-22 Analysis/Research
        10-29 Analysis
        11-05 Wrap up research/ personal website
        11-12 Presentations
        11-19 Team website due
        11-26 Final website due
        12-03 Presentation

*1st week of November, all research must be done.

*Completed all our given tasks by 13th of November in
order to meet presentation deadline.

*Keep in mind our guidelines (what will deserve an A)

•        Must put plans in place to facilitate the “gelling” of the groups (so
everybody is on the same wave length). A suitable time for this would be
whenever we have completed our research. Such plans would include:
-        Making a summary of our research and results inclusive of what we
believe to be the main points (purpose of this is so groups will have an idea
of what other groups have done and see how it may relate to them). This
summary is for external group review.

-        Having links available so groups which may need further information
about any particular aspect of our research may readily access it.

-        Formulating an opinion with regards to the research we have done.

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Last updated: October 22, 2003