Polar Bears (Ursis arctos)

The Polar Bears in ANWR

Polar bears can be found along the Coastal Plain and on Arctic Ice. Although Polar Bear breeding occurs on ice, once pregnant, the females migrate to the Coastal Plain in order to make dens, give birth to and nurse their young. Arctic Refuge's coastal tundra provides America's only land denning habitat for polar bears, serving primarily the Beaufort Sea population. It's also one of the world's largest polar bear denning sites (2)



Polar Bear Denning Sites:

Map of Maternal Polar Bears Dens

-Amstrup et al. (2001) and McDonald and Amstrup (2001) suggested that the number of polar bears in the Southern Beaufort Sea population grew at more than 3% per year between 1967 and 1998, reaching an estimated population that could be as high as 2,500 animals.
-Survival of adults, as calculated from life tables, was higher and survival of young lower when the population was large. Survival rates of adult Beaufort Sea polar bears, however, were as high or higher than those measured anywhere else.
-Although numbers of young produced per female when the population was small (<0.40) and when it was large (<0.38) were similar, litters of more than one yearling were more frequent when the population was small.

-In this study hunting explained 85% of the documented deaths of adult female polar bears (Amstrup and Durner 1995). Natural mortalities were not commonly observed among prime age animals (Amstrup and Nielsen 1989), and we still know little about the proximate causes of natural deaths among polar bears.


Critical Time Periods:

In research conducted on the Beaufort Sea Region, it was discovered that in the months of May through August the bears shifted locations to the north and remained there till October.


Although hydrocarbons have serious ramifications on all wildlife, polar bears reproduction rates and rapid growth will not be severely altered if oil is to be extracted (Amstrup et al. 1989) as can be seen in prior cases. The available data suggests that polar bears are pretty resilient to environmental disturbances (Amstrup 1993).

Polar bear dens and fish habitats in 1002 area

Effects of Petroleum on Polar Bears



(1) http://www.absc.usgs.gov/1002/section8.htm        
(2) http://www.savealaska.com/sa_anwr.html
(3) Map on polar bear dens and fish habitats created from GIS information from US Fish and Wildlife Services