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Mission 2007
Team Information
Progress Journal

Progress Journal

20 Nov. 03 -- There aren't any new changes to my web site content.  The team web site was updated today with a revised team analysis and a reorganized research page.  The class is slowly making progress toward our final product, but there is a lot left to do.  There are only two short weeks left before the presentation and numerous things to do.  Off I go!

14 Nov. 03 -- Today in class we made progress toward how we will decide on our proposal for drilling as a class.  This proposal will lead to the cost benefit analysis.  These two things are what we, as a class, have to create to successfully complete Mission 2007.  We will be presenting the proposal and the cost benefit analysis on December 4th at 7 PM EST.  The presentation will be in 34-101 and web cast live at There are less than three short weeks until the presentation and there is too much to do.  I will stop writing this journal now and start doing the work.

10 Nov. 03 -- This evening marks the end of my quest to put my research online.  New updates to my Political Ramifications Analysis will go up as it is changed, but hopefully there won't be any other major content changes.  It is time to turn my energy toward the group project.  I am going to be in the editing group as it stands right now, but Wednesday's team meeting will tell if that remains my position.  Thanks for checking the page out, I hope you find what you are looking for or at least a source that can help you on your way.

10 Nov. 03 -- Early this morning I have only a few pages left to finish in my research section.  I am off to bed though after I upload them.  Today I will finish the last two pages I have to do and then write my summary of research which I will be contributing to the team on Wednesday.  It has been a productive day and I hope tomorrow I am able to finish up.

8 Nov. 03 -- As the end approaches I am in a trying to tie up my loose ends.  This weekend on my to do list is finish existing research pages (by adding analysis), create new research pages, write my summary of research, read the "Initial Proposal" from Team e, and update the team page.  This is a list that can be conquered, but not if I continue to write here.  I will try to update this page again this weekend, but if that doesn't happen:  please allow my work to speak for itself.

2 Nov. 03 -- Today I added two sections to my research page.  One was my analysis of the political ramifications of a decision to drill in ANWR.  I also worked a bit on my source page.  There is still a lot I want to add to my web page, including specific analysis on the research brief pages.  I hope to get it done over next weekend.  The team page needs another update and hopefully I will get that taken care of tonight.  

30 Oct. 03 --  So I didn't get around to uploading another entry after last weekend's team meeting.  Our team got a nice update up on our team page and there is more to come this weekend.  This weekend I am also going to try to update my page, especially adding another few research topics and some analysis of my research, which I know has been lacking.  On Monday Subhankar Banerjee was here and it was cool to have him speak in class and to see his presentation.  Wednesday's team meeting allowed us to finish our research presentations and get everyone on the same page about what is next.  Tomorrow should be an interesting day because it was the informal deadline we set to have research done in our groups, so we could move on to compiling and processing our findings.  Another day in Mission is another layer to the problem.

26 Oct. 03 -- (15:03)  I am currently updating my source and research pages.  Tonight we have a team meeting to discuss the research of a couple of the members.  I hope we get done what we are expecting to.  Tomorrow we are presenting the Perspectives and our guest will be Subhankar Banerjee.  I am frustrated about the progress of our team page, but hopefully that will get seriously back on track this week.  I will upload another entry after this evenings meeting.

14 Oct. 03 -- The big research update is going up today.  I am almost through with my background research topics.  Once my Mission Topic is squared away for sure I can start on that.  Tomorrow we have a team meeting, we'll see what happens.

11 Oct. 03 -- Yesterday's meeting was productive because we were able to layout some specific dates and put together new research topics.  We started with background research, which I am still finishing up, and now we are going to do research regarding the Mission 2007 problem.  My topic is how drilling or not drilling will affect Alaska on a local, state, and national level

9 Oct. 03 -- My research is moving along slowly, but I have made progress.  I found the legal definition of wilderness, according to the U.S. Federal Government.  Now I must move on to environmental protection.  I have also picked up another topic, the issue of a natural gas pipeline in Alaska.  This web site is also new.  I am learning a lot about Composer.  Many thanks to Mariela for all her help.

28 Sept. 03 --  Week #5 starts tomorrow for Mission with Perspective #2.  I have begun my research and will continue it this week with another trip to Hayden Library.

17 Sept. 03 -- Group Meeting #2  My initial research will be on the legal definition of wilderness.  This topic will lead into my research of the history of environmental protection in the U.S.  It will cover both the general topic as well as specific research about the formation of ANWR.

16 Sept. 03 -- Tomorrow is our second team meeting.  Hopefully we will finalize our guidelines for an "A".  The Terrascope discussion was interesting today and the pizza was excellent as well!

12 Sept. 03 -- Well, today I am going to upload my page.  Good luck little buddy!

11 Sept. 03 -- My first day designing a web page and here is the result!  Changes and improvements will occur weekly.  
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Last updated: 20 Nov. 03 23:03
Page Layout:  Mariela Perignon
Kat Vater -
Team 9 -