Mission 2007's Team 9 (Michael Shaw)

Team 9: Political Ramifications

Michael Shaw


Team 9

Mission 2007



November 11th: Typos fixed on research page. Also, new groups beginning to form.

November 10th: Finally, research on international oil community updated to website. Sorry it took so long, guys. Go to research page (link at left) to find it.

October 29th: Conclusion of team 9's research presentations. Focus is ow towards polishing team website and to the goals of mission itself. My website might suffer with less frequent updates. Now, more importantly, if you have a question regarding this website, email me at MShaw@MIT.edu .

October 22nd: Presentation of my research on the ramifications in the international oil community to team meeting. Research and sources will be posted soon.

October 17th: Began research as to the impact of drilling in ANWR on the international oil community.

October 15th: Team nine agrees to major research topics. Congressional research is no longer under my control, but can be found at the team website (link on left).

October 13th: Research on federalism is now posted. Click here to go to my research page.

October 11th: Conclusion of preliminary research regarding trends of federalism and an overview of recent Congressional opinion on ANWR.

October 10th: Class meeting discussing research schedule for the next three weeks and tentative assignment of research topics. Mine will be posted as soon as its finalized.

October 8th: New website loaded. E-mail and off-site links tested. Local links and current research to follow. E-mail any questions, comments or concerns to me at MShaw@MIT.edu.

About Me

Name: Michael Shaw

Mission 2007: Team 9


  • Undergraduate: MIT, Class of 2007
  • High School: Stuyvesant High School, Class of 2003
  • Middle School: United Nations International School, Class of 1999


  • Courses 8 and 18
  • For the uninitiated, thats physics and math.

Last updated: November 11th, 2003 Back to top E-mail: MShaw@MIT.edu