Communications Proposals

November 7, 2003
Proposed Preliminary Communications Strategy

Site Communications

All workers will be equipped with hand held radios for emergency and non-emergency communications.  Most if not all workers will have a Garmin Inc. Rino (Radio Integrated Navigation Outdoors) handheld radio/Global Positioning Service device.  This device allows for both radio communication and global positioning in case of emergencies.  Either the Rino 110 or the 120 series will be used.

-Rino 110: $ 194.27 prior to taxes and shipping costs

-Rino 120: $ 267.84 prior to taxes and shipping costs

Facility Communications

Primary facility communications will be by both radio and satellite.  Radio allows communication between facilities and also direct communication with workers/people with hand-held radios.  Satellite communications allow for data, video, and audio transmission.  Satellite will be the source of communication with the world beyond Alaska. Installation of radio towers and satellite dishes will be required.  The installation of radio towers will be the bulk of the environmental impact produced by communications.  Satellite dish installation will be made on existing infrastructures and will cause no additional environmental impact.

Pipeline Monitoring

Primary pipeline monitoring will be conducted by radio.  Backup communications will be by satellite.

Fiberoptics and its relating environmental impacts have yet to be researched.

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