
Galapagos Current Events

Headlines from, Ecuador's leading online newspaper:


La pesca ilegal se reactivó en medio del paro
(25 Sep 2004)
Approximately ten fishing boats spotted in the protected waters of Bolivar Channel, in between Isabela and Ferdinand islands.  Unemployment is a continuing problem.  

Las Galápagos crecieron en vialidad e infraestructura (25 Sep 2004)
Galapagos coucilman Pedro Zapata will not be running for reelection.  His contributions during his term included improving roads, education, and health.


Salidas para Galapagos (27 Sep 2004)
Galapagos should no longer be a province because the Ecuadoran government does not take the islands' best interests to heart.

¿Gutiérrez se sienta a gobernar? (22 Sep 2004)
Intead of attending a UN meeting in New York, President Lucio Gutiérrez remained in Ecuador working on pressing national issues, like the oil and Galapagos conflicts.


Entrevista: Vinicio Andrade, diputado (24 Sep 2004)
Views on crisis in GNP and appointment of new director.  Andrade accused by environmentalists of serving fishermen interests.  

Las Galápagos en medio del juego político (24 Sep 2004)
The Ecuador government has replaced GNP director Edwin Naula with Faustus Cepeda, triggering international debate and a violent struggle between park employees and local fishermen.  Many believe that the change occurred to favor fishermen interests, which could jeporadize conservation efforts.    


Galápagos: Mañana se reanuda el diálogo (26 Sep 2004)
New GNP director Faustus Cepeda did not show up to negotiation meeting with park representatives.  Meeting rescheduled for Monday, Sep 27 2004.

(09:45) Se estiman pérdidas de 6 millones de dólares en turismo (24 Sep 2004)
The two-week long protest against the appointment of Faustus Cepeda as new GNP director paralyzed tourism, and an estimated  $6 million dollars were lost.

Tensión y violencia en las Islas Galápagos (23 Sep 2004)
Fishermen, who support Cepeda, launched violent counter protest against GNP employee protest.

Other News Sources

Police 'restore' Galapagos' order
BBC News, UK - Sep 23, 2004

Fishermen attack striking rangers at Galapagos nature preserve
MercoPress, Uruguay - Sep 22, 2004

Galapagos: the new battle for survival
The Herald - Sep 15, 2004

Notes compiled 9/27/04