Zalophus Wollebaekii            Galapagos Sea Lion            Vulnerable

* -- From Galapagos Islands
*F -- From Floreana
*E -- From Hood (Espanola)

above information from <http://www.iucnredlist.org>

Important Information:
-Possible Threats: Predators(sharks), Humans (fishing nets)
-Recently it has been questioned whether or not the Galapagos Sea Lion is an endemic subspecies:  "According to 'Marine Mammals of the World' (Rice, 1998) the most recent and accepted taxonomic publication on marine mammals, the Galapagos Sea Lion is an endemic species."  
-generally feeds during the day on fish around shore area, but occasionally wanders into deeper waters offshore
-breeding season from May to December; females can reproduce after about three years, while males take six or seven years to be able to reproduce (Swash pg. 132)
-in 2000, estimated population was 50,000 individuals (Swash pg. 132)

Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands. (2003). Galapagos Sea Lions are Endemic. Downloaded October 23, 2004.

IUCN 2003. 2003 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <www.redlist.org>. Downloaded on 2 October 2004.

Rice, D.W. 1998. Marine Mammals of the World; Systematics and Distribution. Special Publication Number 4. The Society for Marine Mamalogy, Lawrence, Kansas

Swash, Andy and Rob Still.  Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles of the Galapagos Islands. Pica Press. East Sussex. 2000.
