*(in surrounding waters of the Galapagos -- EF)
Carcharhinus galapagoensis Galapagos
Shark Vulnerable
* -- From Galapagos Islands
*F -- From Floreana
*E -- From Hood (Espanola)
Important Information:
-Possible Threats: Fishing (long-line fishing, esp. – shark fin soup is
a delicacy in Asian markets)
-the main predator of the sea lion is the shark
-when sharks are caught in nets or on hooks, they actually drown. Unlike
bony fish that are able to pump water over their lungs, sharks must be constantly
moving through the water to "breathe." After they are caught, they usually
suffocate and rarely live to be released
IUCN 2003. 2003 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <www.redlist.org>.
Downloaded on 2 October 2004.