Minutes 09-20-04 Agenda: I. Review from last week Research info: ~Amanda: found a 147 pg. summary of a similar project. Charles Darwin foundation website. “A biodiversity vision….” ~Sebastian: Sebasc <-- you can see what he found on his site. *park rangers on strike (manangement of park too politicized, eight switches of director of the national park) *map of both names Isle Specific Problems: --Alien Species (goats, insects, diseases) --Cargo and people --> influx from Equador --Illegal fishing and other illegal activities --Emphasis on remote sensors --Tower—2 tourist sites (midocean ridge basalt, fur seals, birds) --No tourists sites on wolfe and Darwin --> best diving sites in the world, though --Benlow--> never been settled --Pinta--> no tourism, lonesome george, goats -- Sea Cucumbers! <--biosensors II. Divide into groups. Environmental: *Scott (website work) *Sophia (Darwin) *Aline (Marchena) *Keron (Tower) *Christina (Pinta) *Patty (Wolfe) Political: *Sebastian *Jon *Kate *Amanda