Minutes 09-27-04 1. Indiv. Info Scott: Problems with sensors--lots! Aline: Marchena Patty: Wolfe-- fishing, cisual fish censuses Sophia: darwin cristina: Pinta: dissapearing tortoises, lonesome george Keron: Tower. tourist sites 2. Template For each island: names [map, preferably topographical] area major geographical characteristics geological --soil --volcanic activity climate flora -- indigenous -- introduced (hostile/not) fauna -- indigenous -- introduced (hostile/not) **pictures for flora/fauna --> endangered species --> specific problems 3. Assignments: -Fill in info for table. -Try to find a map of your island (and a topographical map) -Scott: Research the sensors and what they do -->ideal sensors for our islands -Start thinking about problems 4. Ideal Tourist Site Ideas -water, sanitation, waste disposal - food, etc -housing (or not) -security, safety, emergencies -power -construction --materials --architecture control of invasive species