Minutes 10-01-04 1. Get your Charles Darwin Annual Reports 2003 --read through, take ideas to put on site --use as model for research, site 2. Evaluate Yourself! --Halfway to midterm-- what grade are you getting thus far? 3. REORGANIZATION!! --is it necessary? --where do we want to go from here? 4. Islands + People a. Wolf/Darwin --diving>island (research) --pontoons, boats --offshore b. PInta --dormant (?) volcano --no diving interest --scientists c. MArchena --active volcano --restricted (prohibited) --safety --some diving --scientists? maybe d. Tower --existing sites --terrestrial + diving --need info on specs for existing sites 5. Ecuador --polit (already) --economics --> laws -galapagos -legislature -adv/disadv --transportation 6. Additional research ---invasive species (monitor these) --volcanology-- what interests scientists? --info on colcanos in Galapagos -- market for volcanic materials --Threatened species --further introduced species