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Mission: To end illegal fishing activities in the Galapagos Islands.

11/16/00 Update from Tui De Roy


In the last three days, lawless bands of fishermen in Galapagos - an island province of Ecuador long hailed as an international flagship of conservation - have attacked conservation installations, ransacked municipal offices, torched a National Park vehicle, harassed tourist groups, taken rare captive-bred giant tortoises hostage, and threatened the lives of conservation personnel. Complete news coverage is hard to get, because communications out of the various islands is shaky to non-existent, but this info has been pieced together from e-mails received from alarmed residents and by making direct phone calls to Santa Cruz Island.

The situation reached crisis proportions around 0630 a.m. on Wednesday 15 November, when the fishermen seized island ports and posted their fast boats at many strategic locations to harass tourists trying to visit wildlife sites. Boat chases and other aggressions were reported against tourist operators who attempted to proceed with their activities. The Galapagos National Park personnel barricaded themselves in their headquarters and the small police contingent (35 men) helped keep the throngs of fishermen at bay, who repeatedly tried to storm the premises on Santa Cruz, as they had already done on Isabela and San Cristobal Islands. Police and navy protection have also been granted to Charles Darwin Foundation offices on Santa Cruz and San Cristobal Islands, who report that all their personnel are safe. On the Island of Isabela, the third major fishing port, the situation is reported as totally out of control, with the town mayor said to have fled for his life, though no details have been confirmed.

The fishermen have three main demands: a complete abandonment of the lobster fishing quota of 54 tons, which they filled in the first two months of the four months season; dropping all charges leveled at some of their members for previous violence against government property and personnel; and an active expansion of the Galapagos fisheries management to develop a completely new long-lining industry for currently protected shark within the Galapagos Marine Reserve. This demand comes in complete disregard of scientific advice or the fact that such fishing practices are widely known to pose serious risks to many rare and unique species, such as albatross, sea lions, sea turtles, sharks and many others.

As threats and events escalated on Wednesday, desperate messages were received from within Galapagos calling for armed reinforcement from the Ecuadorian military, with the pleading words "We can't hold out much longer!" However, according to the local radio station on Santa Cruz Island, by the end of the day the crisis had eased as the fishermen were granted a lobster quota extension of 30 additional tons to take them to the 31st of December, corresponding to a 60% hike over and above the original quota. It is not clear at this moment how the decision was reached to grant the fishermen this extension. In a broadcasted speech, the head of one of the fishing cooperatives declared the solution only temporary as the fishermen, emboldened by the success of their tactics, demand substantial expansion of the fishing activities inside the Marine Reserve, in defiance of existing quotas and measures.

It should be noted that, for several years already, the fishermen have been given a decisive voice in the Interinstitutional Management Authority in charge of the Reserve, under which spirit of cooperation they were to control the number of genuine local fishermen allowed to join the cooperatives. In a spectacular failure of this mechanism, the number of registered fishermen participating in the activity has jumped from around 500 last year to 939 at present, nearly a twofold increase, many of whom are recent arrivals to Galapagos. It is apparently this mushrooming of their numbers, who share the agreed quotas between them, which has turned the fishermen against the management scheme they helped create.

The dramatic implications of this latest in a series of conflagrations is that the fishermen have, not for the first time, seen their violent tactics rewarded with immediate gratification. The clear message for the future is that whenever they are unhappy with the management strategies in defense of sustainable use of the marine environment, violent action and threats of bodily harm is all it takes to obtain expedient results.

At this writing (1900 hours, 16 November, Galapagos local time) renewed violence is already taking shape, with more attacks on conservation institutions and tourism anticipated for the early morning hours as the fishermen upscale their actions in a free-for-all of sweeping demands.

The Galapagos Islands, awarded the title of World Heritage Site by the United Nations, have been recognized as a model of international conservation, with enormous trust placed in the harmonious development of an equanimous balance between human needs and environmental protection. The focus of these efforts have at all times been aimed at combining scientifically backed conservation strategies with the sustainable use of the resource for the benefit of both the people and the ecosystem. Current events are redefining those premises to allow short-term greed to rule instead. A show of force and commitment by all levels of government in defence of law and order and carefully crafted management strategies, is desperately needed if the integrity of Galapagos is not to be lost forever.

News from Galapagos compiled by Tui De Roy, wildlife photographer, resident of Galapagos for 40 years; currently living in New Zealand but maintaining close ties with events and family there. As is well known, ever since Darwin the Galapagos Islands have commanded world attention as a natural laboratory of evolution, unique on a world scale for their extraordinary fauna and flora. In today's atmosphere of accelerating global wildlife losses, these islands stand out as a conservation marvel because irretrievable loss of species has not yet taken a serious toll here. For example, whereas flightless birds are usually the first to disappear from threatened insular ecosystems, the Galapagos flightless cormorant, whose small population of approximately 1,000 birds is trapped in the midst of current intensive fishing activity, is the last remaining flightless seabird in the world. Unlike all other major island groups where extinctions are already rife, in Galapagos it would still be relatively easy to safeguard this natural treasure for future generations. I am sending this to all friends and acquaintances in an effort to let the world know what is happening in Galapagos at the moment, and what is at stake for the future, hoping some of you may be in a position to bring media attention to the defence of Galapagos. I urge anyone interested in the matter to seek further information and help raise public awareness in support of the Ecuadorian government's swift and strong action. I would be happy to answer questions at Ph. +64-3-525-8370.

T u i D e R o y & M a r k J o n e s
The Roving Tortoise Worldwide Nature Photography
Mail: Patons Rock Beach, Takaka, Box 161,
Golden Bay, N E W Z E A L A N D
Phone: +64 3 525 8370. Fax: +64 3 525 8370.
Web Link:

Paul Watson 310-701-3096

Sea Shepherd International
Tel: 1-360-370-5500 Fax: 1-360-370-5501



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