
I am now the Webmaster of the Iguana's Team 1 website. The site is now up, and updates are ongoing.
I have found information on the way sensors are employed, and possible logistical issues that will be involved.
Research is underway into the fishing activities around the Galapagos Islands.

Research Topics
Summary: Enviromental senors are usually very simple electronic devices that are deployed in networks to collect detailed information. To minimize site and improve power usage they don't conduct any analysis of the data. This requires another system to conduct this. Due to the nature of this project, a wireless sensor network would be ideal. However, wireless sensor networks have many problems from security to maintainence and reliability which must be addressed.

Summary: Most environmental sensors we will be considering will require some source of power. I am conducting research into alternative power sources which would allow the senors to exist in the environment with less impact, and possibly more longevity.
Summary: Fishing is a major issue in concerning the islands of Pinta, Marchena, Genovesa (Tower), and Wolf and Darwin (especially the islands of Wolf and Darwin. These islands are on the perifery of the archipelago and are less patrolled than the central islands.