Hi! Welcome to Vicky Hsu's Mission 2008 website. San Cristobal Map

SAN CRISTOBAL (aka Chatham Island)

Important Historical dates:

1807-Patrick Watkins (Irish) was the first inhabitant on the island Floreana.

1832-Ecuador claims the Galapagos Islands

1835-Darwin stops by on the Beagle to conduct scientific research.

1869-J. Cabos started "El Progreso" marketing  cattle, oil, and sugar. However, Cabos led with a dictatorship and was murdered by his workers 

1936-Galapagos declared a National Reserve

1942-United States uses Galapagos as strategic positioning in WWII.

1954-Growing concern over extinction of tortoises

1959-Ecuador declares 95% of the Galapagos as a National Park

1964-Charles Darwin Foundation and Research Center opens 

1968-National Park Service established from the Forest Service of the Ministry of Agriculture.

1978-UNESCO declares Galapagos a Natural Heritage Site 

1992-Management Plan for the Galapagos Marine Reserve 
- However, this was ignored and poorly organized. It would later be fixed in 1998.

1995-Almost placed on the "Danger List" for UNESCO
1997-8-El Nino: warm water caused fish to leave, which took away the food source for birds and seals. Many young fur seals died off.

Nov 15, 1997- deadline for clear progress
This  prompted the attention of the Ecuadorian government and led them to  create a Ministry of the Environment. 
 Mrs. Flor de Maria Valverde (a biologist committed to studying the Galapagos) was appointed  as minister.
-Valverde started a special commission to draft the Special Law for the
Galapagos- led by Dr. Gunther Reck (conservationist, fisheries biologist,
former director of the Charles Darwin Station)

-up to April 1997, President Rivera allowed the Ecuadorian government to run theislands until the new law is enacted.

Special Law- protects National Park (97% land area on islands) and Marine
Reserve (40 nautical miles out), reduce population of goats and wild pigs
-preserve ecological systems and biodiversity, sustainable and controlled
development, native community involvement, integrated management between the
land and marine areas, improve quality of life of residents, extra caution in
regard for the environment during large events

1998-Interpretation Center opens on San Cristobal- similar to a historical museum showing how humans effect nature.

1998-Ecuadorian National Congress and Ecuadorian President Fabian Alarcon  passed the Galapagos Conservation Law
There was strong opposition by industrial fishermen.

Dec 2002- Ecuadorian President signed a new law "Regulation for the Total Control Plan for Invasive Species"
Currently, the Galapagos are established as a World Heritage Site, Biosphere Reserve, and a Whale Sanctuary.
 The Ecuadorian government is required to present yearly updates to the World Heritage Committee.
 The Galapagos is the second largest marine reserve.


*UNESCO - World Heritage Fund
   -already gave $4 million between 1999-2004
   -other member states of UNESCO may be willing to contribute
--About UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)
    -Founded 1945
    -works on international cooperation among its 190 member states and six
    associate members, human rights, poverty, sustainable development, terrorism,
    respect for culture
    -Ecuador joined in Jan 22, 1947
        -now represented in the Executive Board, Intergovernmental Council of the
         Management of Social Transformations Program, Intergovernmental Oceanic
         Commission, Governing Board of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher
         Education in Latin America and the Carribean
    -the Galapagos are on the UNESCO World Heritage List (1978)

*New Era Galapagos -
   -small organization, relies on donations

*Charles Darwin Foundation

*Current Problems:
 Illegal Fishing, Tourism causing degradation on the environment and flora/fauna, Introduction of Domestic Animals, Accelerated human settlement 


    1) Charles Darwin Research Station
    2) National Park Service
    3) Navy (controls illegal fishing and tourism)
    4) Provincial council, local authorities
    5) INGALA 
           -public group that sets policies, technical advisor for institutions, researches environmental
            management and social issues, regional planning with the Ecuadorian government, financial
            assistance to state agencies, residence controls

The allocation of funds collected via the Park Entrance Fee will be distributed
as follows:

Galapagos National Park                                            40%
Municipalities of Galapagos                                        20%
Provincials Council of Galapagos                                   10%
Marine Reserve of the Galapagos Province                            5%
INEFAN - for the National Protected Heritage Area                   5%
INGALA		                                                   10%
Inspection and Quarantine System of the Province of Galapagos       5%
National Navy                                                       5%

Residency Rules and Regulations:
       - max period of 90 days/year,
       - must obtain a Transit Control Card,
       - roundtrip passage pre-paid for before departure

