Annotated Bibliography for:

             Designing an Effective Tsunami Sensor

                                Communication System

1.         Milburn, Hugh B.; Nakamura, Alex I: Gonzalez, Frank I. (1996, Sept.23-26).
Real-time tsunami reporting from the deep ocean
Oceans Conference Record (IEEE), 1, 390-394

This journal goes into detail about improvements toward the assessment of
tsunami hazards. The article suggests that ?Direct measurement of tsunamis in
the open ocean, followed by real-time reports to warning centers, could improve
the assessment of tsunami hazard.?  It also goes into details of a working
demonstration of this ?real-time system?

2.        Hartman, P.J. (1982). 
Moored Systems Designed to Sense Deep OceanEarthquakes.
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME,104, 257-258

This journal describes how deep ocean buoy systems and sensor implantation
techniques were developed to monitor tsunamis from depths of 6000 m.

3.        Gould, Paula. (2005). 
Calls grow for global tsunami detectors
Physics World, 18,2-7

The article addresses the recent December 2004 tsunami and suggests a solution
for improvement in sensor technology and communication systems to create a more
effective tsunami warning.

4.        Braddock, R.D.  (2003).
Sensitivity analysis of the tsunami warning potential
(Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith University)
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 79,2, ,225-228

This journal identifies areas for improvement in tsunami detection system. The
journal also suggests ways in which this system can be optimized.

5.        Jackson, Bob. (2005). 
Providing warning of Tsunamis
Engineers Australia, 77,1, 26-27

This journal discusses the probable impact of a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean
through the modeling of open-ocean propagation of earthquake induced tsunamis.

6.        Vaeth, J. Gordon. (1983).
Disaster Warning Using the GOES Satellite.
American Astronautical Society, Scientific Technology Series, 54,221-226

The paper illustrates how the GOES satellite can be more effectively used to
warn people in the islands and territories in the Pacific Basin of Tsunamis.

7.        Behn, Richard R., Bernard, Eddie N. (1985)
Regional Tsunami Warning System(THRUST)
 Oceans (New York) 215-219

This paper examines the technologies developed after a 3 year project led by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The technology examined
are mainly those involving data collection and analysis.

8.        Taft,B.; Meinig,C: Bernard L.; Teng,C.; Stalin, S.; O?Neil, K.: Eble,M.Demers,C.  (2003).
 Transition of the Deep-ocean assessment and reporting of tsunamis network- A technology transfer from NOAA research to NOAA operations
Oceans Conference Record,5,2582-2588

This journal explains the networking system involving the DART buoys for tsunami
detection. The article goes into detail explaining how this system works.

9.        Fujinawa,Yukio; Fujita,Eisuke; Iwaski,Sin-Iti; Watabe,Isao; Fujiwara Hiroyuki. (1998).
Real-time observation network of ocean-bottom-seismometers
deployed at the Sagami through seduction zone
 Marine Geophysical Researches. 20,2,73-94

This journal describes the ETMC network for tsunami monitoring.  The ETMC has
six observation sites near and in Japan which monitor earthquakes. The newtork
has provided useful information on the Philippine sea plate subduction at the
Sagami trough.

10.        Titov,V.V., F.I. Gonzalez, E.N. Bernard, M.C. Eble,H.O. Mofjeld,J.C. Newman and A.J. Venturato (2005).
Real-time Tsunami forecasting: Challenges and solutions
Nat Hazards 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tusnami Hazard
Mitigation Program, 41-58

This paper descirbes challenges in tsunami forecasting and proposes solutions to these predicted problems.

11.        Gonzalez,F.I., H.M. Milburn, E.N. Bernard and J.CF. Newman (1998).
Deep-Ocean Assesment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART): Brief Overview and Status Report
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Tusnami Disaster

This article is a briref overview of the DART reporting system.

12.        National Data Buoy Center. (2003, March 27).
Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART)

This webpage briefly explains how the DART system works. The webpage includes
diagrams of the buoy and sensors.  This site explains the background,  DART
system development and the transition from PMEL to NDBC.

13.        Meinig, C., S.E. Stalin, A.I. Nakamura, H.B. Milburn (2005),
Real-Time Deep-Ocean Tsunami Measuring, Monitoring, and Reporting System: The NOAA DART II Description and Disclosure.

This site offers useful information on the Measuring, Monitoring and Reporting of Tsunamis.

14.        Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory; Date last modified (2005, May 14)
Tsunami Research Program

This site has various links with information about the Pacific Marine Environmental Laborotory. It includes links
 for TIME (Center for Tsunami Indundation Mapping Efforts), DART, Modeling and Forecasting, and to the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program.

15.     Trembly, C Ara (2005, March 14).
US To Bolster Tsunami Warning Technology
National Underwriter. Life & Health. Erlanger 109, Iss. 10;  26, 2

This article describes the effort the US is making in creating a more effective Tsunami warning system.

Gonzalez, F.I., H.M. Milburn, E.N. Bernard and J.C. Newman(1998):
Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART): Brief Overview and Status Report.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Tsunami Disaster Mitigation

This document briefly describes the DART reporting system.

Herold, David (Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst); Grund, Matthew; Johnson, Mark; von der Heydt, Keith (1997).
Integrated acoustic remote sensing and communications system for tidal front mapping
Oceans Conference Record (IEEE), 1, p736-742

18.    Momma, Hiroyasu, Fujiwara, Noriyuki; Kawaguchi,Katsuyoshi; Iwase, Ryoichi; Suzuki, Shinichiro; Kinoshita, (1997).
Monitoring system for submarine earthquakes and deep sea environment (Deep Sea Research Dep):
Oceans Conference Record (IEEE),  2, p 1453-1459

This journal is about an extended Japanese submarine earthquake monitoring system.
The paper describes observatories both with cable "Real-Time Seafloor Observatory" and without it called 'Mobile Seafloor Observatory".  These observatories were placed near Cape Muroto.
19. Anonymous (2005).
Expanded tsunami warning system considered
Issues in Science and Technology, 21, 3,  p 19-20

This article is about President Bush's proposition to expand the US Tsunami Warning System  in the Pacific, Atlantic and Carribean ocean. The propsal involves the installation of a number of buoys in these oceans.  This paper also describes the budget Bush proposes for these projects.

20.  DART ; Date last modified (2005, August 11)
National Data Buoy Center

This site actually allows you to see the plots of the water height given by the buoys at several of their stations.


This web page was created by: Nasly Jimenez
MIT homepage  Date Last Modified: 9/25/05