


Satellite picture of Katrina off of the coast of LouisianaThis is a satellite image of Hurricane Katrina as it approached Louisiana.  You can clearly see the structure of the hurricane.  The circular shape and the eye in the center are very clearly defined.








This is the London Avenue Canal.  The levees there failed rather catastrophically causing all of the flooding that you can see in the picture.  Because these levees broke, the pumps at the end of the canal were flooded and rendered ineffectual.  The water in the canal comes from Lake Pontchartrain, which experienced strong storm surges in the hurricane probably contributing to the levee failure.

This is a map of the major routes and highways into and out of New Orleans.  We would primarily consider these roads in the evacuation plans.  By opening both directions to outbound traffic during an evacuation, it would help to make things run smoothly. (Picture from )

