Leif Francel’s Annotated Bibliography



Course 12.000 – Mission 2010

Team 2 – Global Warming






Finkl, Charles W; Khalil, Syed M; Andrews, Jeff; Keehn, Steve; Benedot, Lindino  “Fluvial Sand Sources for Barrier Island Restoration in Louisiana: Geotechnical Investigations in the Mississippi River “  Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 22, pp. 773-787, July 2006

This article considers the loss of coastal land in the Mississippi River delta.  There must be restoration of these in order to protect the environment from the erosion of barrier islands.  There is also discussion of possible borrowing sites to replace the sediment that has been lost.


Landsea, Christopher W; Harper, Bruce A; Hoarau, Karl; Knaff, John A.  “Can We Detect Trends in Extreme Tropical Cyclones?”  Science (Washington) [Science (Wash.)]. Vol. 313, no. 5786, pp. 452-454. 28 Jul 2006.

Recent studies show an increase in observed tropical cyclone intensities, which may be associated with global warming and warming sea surface temperatures.  Is this a true trend though?  This article delves into the “truth” behind the growing intensity.


Rosenfeld, Daniel.  “Aerosols, Clouds, and Climate  Science (Washington) [Science (Wash.)]. Vol. 312, no. 5778, pp. 1323-1324. 2 Jun

The author argues that the cooling effects of aerosols mask the power of greenhouse gases.  Aerosols reduce water sources in semi-arid regions as well.  Aerosols supposedly don’t contribute to global warming, but decrease its potency.


Bell, MC . ”Environmental factors in intelligent transport systems”  IEE Proceedings - Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 153, pp. 113-128, June 2006

Congestion and increased car use possibly could contribute to global warming according to this author.  This article argues for intelligent transport systems.  There can be many positive factors to intelligent transport systems, including quality of life, cleaner environment, and lower losses in accidents.


Sluiis, Appy; Schouten, Stefan; Pagani, Mark; Woltering Martijn; Brinkhuis, Henk; Damste, Jaap SSinninghe; Dickens, Gerald R; Huber, Matthew; Reichart, Gert-Jan; Stein, Ruediger; Matthiessen, Jens; Lourens, Lucas J; Pedentchouk, Nikolai; Backman, Jan; Moran, Kathryn; Scientists, the Expedition 3o2;  “Subtropical Arctic Ocean temperatures during the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum” Nature [Nature]. Vol. 441, no. 7093, pp. 610-613. 1 Jun 2006

55 million years ago we had a short stint of global warming.  It was supposed to be more severe than our current state of global warming.  The Arctic significantly melted, causing chemical composition changes within the sea water.


Vecchi, Gabriel A; Soden, Brian J; Wittenberg, Andrew T; Held, Isaac M; Leetmaa, Ants; Harrison, Matthew J Weakening of tropical Pacific atmospheric circulation due to anthropogenic forcing Nature [Nature]. Vol. 441, no. 7089, pp. 73-76. 4 May 2006


Stansfield, Kathy Working together to face the low carbon economy Structural Engineer, vol. 84, pp. 17-20, 2 May 2006

This article spoke of a forum, or symposium, of structural engineers speaking of the importance of their field.  They are in a pivotal position to act positively.  Many are willing to make changes to help the environment and its citizens.


Karp, L; Zhang J.  Regulation with anticipated learning about environmental damages Journal of Environmental Economics and Management [J. Environ. Econ. Manage.]. Vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 259-279. May 2006.

This article is concerned more with the economic repercussions of global warming.  These concerns were from taxes to insurance to damages.  The authors attempt to prove the correlation between economics and environment.


Meir, P; Coz, P; Grace J.  The influence of terrestrial ecosystems on climate Trends in Ecology & Evolution [Trends Ecol. Evol.]. Vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 254-260. May 2006.

Terrestrial ecosystems have a huge impact on global warming.  These ecosystems control the amount of carbon dioxide pulled from the air, and if they are overpowered we are in trouble.  This article declares the vital role they play in our future.


Zhang, X; Walsh, JE.  Toward a Seasonally Ice-Covered Arctic Ocean: Scenarios from the IPCC AR4 Model Simulations Journal of Climate [J. Clim.]. Vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 1730-1747. May 2006

This was a very quantitative study showing that the ice caps are indeed melting.  Most of the report was pure numbers, but much was learned about the actual changes displayed in the data.


Seneviratne SI, Luthi D, Litschi M, Schar C. Land-atmosphere coupling and climate change in Europe NATURE 443 (7108): 205-209 SEP 14 2006

This article focuses on the fact that Europe will become extremely cold.  It also discussed that they will be more heat waves in the future occurring in the summer, and as they are not prepared for these waves, they will suffer dire consequences.  Kind of a doomsday outlook for Europe.


Gonzalez GA.  An eco-Marxist analysis of oil depletion via urban sprawl ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS 15 (4): 515-531 AUG 2006

Although not purely concerning global warming, this has a close association with it.  Urban sprawl leads to oil depletion which in turn leads to global warming.  This article criticizes US policy makers heavily.


Dorey, E.  Ice cap melting faster than thought CHEMISTRY & INDUSTRY (16): 5-5 AUG 21 2006

As stated by the title, the scientists have been surprised by newfound studies showing that the ice caps are melting faster than originally thought.  Many think this will in turn lead to the flooding of many coastal cities.


Anderson P, Bermike O, Bigelow N, Brigham-Grette J, Duvall M, Edwards M, Frechette B, Funder S, Johnsen S, Knies J, Koerner R, Lozhkin A, Marshall S, Matthiessen J, Macdonald G, Miller G, Montoya M, Muhs D, Otto-Bliesner B, Overpeck J, Reeh N, Sejrup HP, Spielhagen R, Turner C, Velichko A Last Interglacial Arctic warmth confirms polar amplification of climate change  QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 25 (13-14): 1383-1400 JUL 2006

The Last Interglaciation, our last global warming, showed a large increase of water within the ocean due to ice cap melting.  These authors claim the last global warming was indeed positive, increasing the habitable area of Earth.


Hoerling M, Hurrell J, Eischeid J, Phillips A Detection and attribution of twentieth-century northern and southern African rainfall change  JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 19 (16): 3989-4008 AUG 2006

The differences in African rainfall can be attributed to global warming, according to the authors.  Rainfall is significantly less than in the past, causing problems for farmers and people using the land in these semi arid environments.


Wasley J, Robinson SA, Lovelock CE, Popp M Climate change manipulations show Antarctic flora is more strongly affected by elevated nutrients than water  GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 12 (9): 1800-1812 SEP 2006

This article states that some of the flora and fauna of the Antarctic region will flourish with global warming, while others will experience extinction.  Some species enjoy the warmer weather that is around the corner for our planet.  Antarctica will arguably be the most negatively affected.


Dutta PK, Radner R Population growth and technological change in a global warming model ECONOMIC THEORY 29 (2): 251-270 OCT 2006

This article considers, in depth, the economics of global warming and how it will be unable to sustain the growing population.  It was quite a negative outlook, but it showed, according to their figures, that either global warming must stop or population growth.


Baron J. Thinking about global warming CLIMATIC CHANGE 77 (1-2): 137-150 JUL 2006

This article discusses why global warming is such a hot issue.  It attempts to prove that it is occasionally politicized too often, and the real problems are not yet being addressed.  He states it is a real problem, but some people enjoy blowing it way out of proportion.


Viscusi WK, Zeckhauser RJ The perception and valuation of the risks of climate change: A rational and behavioral blend CLIMATIC CHANGE 77 (1-2): 151-177 JUL 2006

This article focused on policy and law according to global warming.  It suggested how we should adjust through our taxes and various other forms of public policy.


 Patz JA, Olson SH Climate change and health: global to local influences on disease risk ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY 100 (5-6): 535-549 JUL-SEP 2006

A tremendously interesting article due to the fact that it blamed climate change and global warming for increased disease transmission, typically in developing countries.  Not enough research funds are put into this field according to the authors, and also not enough policy decisions made involving it.


I know we’re asked not to post websites, but these sites have been absolutely vital in my research



www.portno.com/default.asp - this is a great site.  I have been told from this site exactly where the ports are located within the city, which is vital for my portion of the research.  Knowing where these port sites are located enables us to decide what portions of the city can return to wetland and what portion of the city is part of the economic engine of the country.  The ports in Southern Louisiana are an absolute lifeblood to the economic well-being of the nation.  Without them our economy will be dealt a major blow.



www.cityofno.com – this site gives the comprehensive rebuilding plan put forth by the city.  I believe this is very important because it gives the true opinion of the city and its government.  It also gives in-depth information on what areas are being planned to be rebuilt (more than scientists would like), and also says how they plan on attracting people back to the city.