Annotated Bibliography
Sabina Khan
Team 7

Anonymous. (2005). Hurricane "Katrina" and US Homeland Security. Military Technology(pp. 104-108). Bonn, Germany: Moench Verlagsgesellschaft

This article details the many ways in which the government has tried to control and solve the issue of New Orleans and how it has failed. The weaknesses that the government has have been exposed by the utter devastation and chaos caused by Katrina. The government’s inability to handle the situation of crisis has made it clear to all how important it is to make New Orleans a priority in order to better prepare for the future. The information detailed here will give a solid background into what should be considered and what should not be considered in a new plan for Katrina, with insurance backing the least liable venue.

Anonymous. (2005). In Katrina's Wake. America (pp. 4-5) New York, NY: America Press

The author talks of the damage and destruction caused by Katrina and how in its aftermath the generosity and goodwill of the people was demonstrated. From far and wide the help came, but the response time of the government and other agencies is what caused the problems in New Orleans to multiply and grow. The responded too late and with inadequate resources. This can help the insurance aspect of the resconstruction of New Orleans by showing the planners and designers of the new programs what not to do and what to improve upon as they make New Orleans better.

Benke, A., & Cushing, C.(2005) Lower Mississippi River and its Tributaries. Rivers of North America, (pp. 231-246). Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press

Benke and Cushing give detail accounts of various rivers in different of North America. They begin from the North Eastern Atlantic based rivers and work their way down, giving detail descriptions of all the different rivers featured across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, from the “physiography, climate and land use” to “ecology”, “chemistry” and “human impact”. The description of the Mississippi river given in this book gives a detailed description of the features of the Mississippi and the impacts that humans have had on its surrounding areas. Armed with that knowledge we can again categorize the surrounding areas and either build new systems of protection for the area or prohibit any kind of human living in certain areas, all of which can be down through pricing or policies based on insurance.

Black, C. (2006) Six Reasons we Lost New Orleans. Earth Island Journal (40-41). San Francisco, CA: Earth Island Institute

Black delves deep into the issue of what went wrong during Katrina. Beginning with the obvious causes of destruction and chaos, such as high winds and the flood and rain that were present during the hurricane, she explores other reasons for the predicament that New Orleans face, some of which include the techniques and methods used by the US to control the Mississippi. This information is relevant to create a well-rounded plan that takes into account past failures and incorporates the weaknesses of the Mississippi River and New Orleans. Also information gained from here could give us a general idea of the different environmental conditions surrounding the Mississippi, which in turn would help to create a strong insurance plan for New Orleans.

Carrol, C. (2005). Deadly Delay. National Geographic (pp. 6, 9) Washington, DC: National Geographic Society.

Caroll gives insight into the actual plight of the people in New Orleans. By explaining about the types of aid that were given to the people of New Orleans, we see the true destruction of the people of New Orleans. The photographs also emphasize the destruction and devastation in New Orleans. This specialized view into the damage caused to the people on a whole provides information for an insurance policy, which could encompass all the problems and provide protection and relief for the people.

Daily Press (2004) Strike zones also hit by Soaring Insurance. Retrieved September 18th, 2006 from Daily Press Website.,0,2044637.story?coll=dp-hurricane-news

This article talks about insurance prices rising even before Katrina hit in New Orleans. It shows how people are trying to cope with soaring prices while still trying to preserve their livelihoods. The reasons for raising prices was to help people during a time of crisis, but when Katrina came, there just wasn’t enough money to go around to people. This shows that a strong insurance plan must be made that will help people in their time of need and not make them go bankrupt during the years nothing is happening to them.

Danticat, Edgewidege (2005) Another Country. The Progressive. (pp. 24-26) Madison, WI: Progressive Incorporated.

This article talks about the response that the government gave to the Katrina. The author talks of how the government did not handle the situation as it should have been handled, not getting the aid out as fast as it should have been sent out and not dealing with restoration as it should be dealt with.This perspective is important for any future plans to be made since it gives a perspective into how things can go wrong and how to better prepare a plan that will have all the details outlined and aid can be granted as fast as possible.

Environment Service News (2006) Insurance Risk Models Rise With Elevated Storm Frequency, Severity. Retrieved October 14, 2006 from Environment Service News website.

This article deals with risk management models, an important tool that is used by insurance companies all over. These models predict the risk that is associated with different areas and it gives a score based on that rating. According to this article due to higher likelihoods of storms, rates and prices have been going up from insurance companies. This is important to our facet of the whole solution int that it shows us how insurance companies work and how risks assessment will be used in our project area.

Fiala, J. (2005). Beyond Katrina. DVM (pp. 1, 3) Cleveland, OH: Advanstar Communications, Inc.

Fiala gives a small anecdote about a veterinarian who lost his entire livelihood after Katrina had made its way through the area where his clinic was located. He is numbed at first by all the destruction but at the end he and a friend of his who is also in the same profession go out to do their jobs in helping out by rescuing animals from the houses of their clients and then reuniting the lost pets with their owners. The destruction detailed by their trips to these broken houses also gives insight in to the devastation caused by Katrina. Fiala gives a brief description of the insurance of the veterinarian and how it did not help with the recovery process. This gives insight into what to expand upon for a new and better insurance policy.

Homeowners Insurance. Retrieved September 10th, 2006.

This article discusses different areas that are covered and that are not covered in a basic homeowner’s policy. Flood Insurance is not covered in the policy, which becomes a big problem when flood time comes because people do not purchase a separate policy for floods. Other areas of a person’s home are also not included such as if land underneath you home is damaged or if a tenant causes the damage. Keeping these aspects in mind, to strengthen insurance policy there may need to be changes made in how insurance is covered.

Loewer, O. J. (2005). Exposed…Aftermath of Katrina, Resource (pp. 16). St. Joseph,
MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.

Loewer expands upon the idea of what is at stake after Katrina. He explores all the different areas that need to be addressed in New Orleans and what to restore in the midst of the destruction and chaos that is the “aftermath of Katrina”. He details all that has gone wrong so far in the relief effort, from the frustration cause by blame being put on different areas to the policies that have been made and their inherent weaknesses. This gives a detailed account of all that should be done in New Orleans and brings into focus what points and areas that should be focused upon the most.

Lubell, S. (2006) New Orleans does not look as bad as you think--it's worse.Architectural Record (pp. 51) New York, NY: McGraw Hill Publications Company.

Lubell describes his trip down to New Orleans to the reader by beginning with the conference that he is attending there and how he made his way around New Orleans and saw first hand the destruction that is the aftermath of Katrina. He was there to plan a possible policy that could help out in New Orleans. But after seeing the pain and devastion that were prevalent in New Orleans he realized that the people making the policies have no idea of what New Orleans is actually like. He realizes that all the ideas are being made for an ideal situation and New Orleans is not an ideal situation. This provides a check for us on how not to plan for New Orleans.

Lui, Amy. (2006) Katrina Index Summary of Monthly Findings. (pp. 1-3) NW, Washington DC:Brookings Institute

This article gives details about the current situation of New Orleans. There is data about the population density, the population makeup and other data that is useful in determining the makeup of the city. This information is highly useful for many different reasons. One is that it shows the extent of the damage that has been done by Katrina and what has been salvaged since then, giving insight into how policies should be redefined. The other reason why it is important is that it gives insight into how to go about fixing what has not been dealt with so far.

McPhee, J. (1989). Atchafalaya. In The Control of Nature (pp. 3-92). New York: Farrar Straus Giroux.
McPhee in this book talks about the eternal conflict between man and nature and details the many “battles” between the two forces of power. His book centers around the many techniques that humans have used to try to control and appease the mighty forces of nature, including a very descriptive chapter on the Atchafalaya. The chapter begins with great detail of the machinery and techniques used to control and use the mighty river in Louisiana. This description helps us understand the techniques used in the past and which ones have worked and which ones have not. In categorizing the techniques we can take out the obsolete ones and integrate new techniques according to geography and thereby reducing the risk of destruction and lowering insurance costs.

O’Neal, S. (2006) Blown Away, New Scientist (pp. 23). Sutton, England: Reed Business Information, UK.

This article provides a detailed account of several storms that occurred during the year of 2005. After describing briefly about the others, O’Neal describes the facts that were associated with Katrina. He then goes into possible reasons why this might have occurred and he cited that global warming and a “multi-decade cycle” that all storms go through, with periods of rest in the middle.  This information would be useful in deciding whether or not certain insurance policies would work after a certain amount of time.

Pamies, R. (2005) From the Eye of the Storm to the Eyes of the Nation , Diverse Issues in Higher Education (pp. 37) Reston, VA: Cox, Matthews and Associates, Inc.

In this article Pamies discusses all the relief efforts and aid that went into New Orleans after Katrina. He comments on the fact that the government was not able to help the people of New Orleans as they should have been helped. Some people never got the aid they were promised and the healthcare system has totally broken. down. This can help insurance companies by giving them an idea of where they were lacking in this whole mess, where they can improve and make their policies better so no one has to go through what hundreds of other people in New Orleans went through.

Ruquet, M. (2005) Insurers Attack Three Top-Ten Hurricanes, National Underwriter. P.C. (pp. 6,7) Erlanger, KY: National Underwriter Company.

Ruquet describes the plight of the insurance companies, a big problem after Katrina. The insurance companies were not ready for a storm of the magnitude that New Orleans was hit with. Now many companies are struggling to fulfill their duties to their clients while not going into bankruptcy. Also the clients are suffering because either their claims have not been fulfilled or the money they have gotten is too little to help out with their damages, even though they have gotten the full share of what their insurance policies promised. This gives insight into what to expand upon for a possible new insurance policy for coastal areas.

Schindehette, S., Dennis, A, Block, K & Perra, J. (2005). New Orleans: A City in Limbo, People (pp. 66-70) New York, NY: Times Incorporated.

This article gives a view into the lives of people who are slowly trying to bring order to their lives after the chaos of Katrina. By giving small descriptions of several scenarios happening in New Orleans, we gain an insight into the actual impact that the storm had on the people of New Orleans. This helps in our decision for a better New Orleans and a better plan of insurance by showing us what the people of New Orleans have had to go through and what should be done to make their lives better.

Schorr, Daniel. (2005) Empty Promises. The New Leader (pp 5) New York, NY: American Labor Conference on International Affair.

This article also details the government's inability to deal with the situation dealt to the country by Katrina. The government did not deal efficiently with the situation as money and relief was not dealt out correctly. This imperitave in  understanding what will be the best way to go about making policies for the New Orleans region so that in the future aid and relief can be dealt out to the people in any crisis with efficiency and accuracy.

Sharp, C. (2005), Appendix and The Journey. The Mississippi River(pp. 3-159; 183-185). Santa Fe, New Mexico & Staunton Virginia: Center for American Places.

Sharp delves into the history and culture of the areas surrounding the Mississippi River. The time period he chooses to use is 1953, some time after the flood of 1927 and way before Katrina, a time when the area would once again be blossoming and still be a vibrant and vivacious community. The photographs and short anecdotes give insight into the unique culture that is prevalent in the New Orleans area and helps us plan for a more encompassing and lasting solution through an insurance plan that will help all classes and all sorts of people no matter what their background. And the Appendix gives us insight into the beginning of the Mississippi, which we can take into account when dealing with what to do with the Mississippi, and also we can establish an insurance plan considering what the pros and cons are of the specific arrangement made for the Mississippi.

Spearing, D. (1995). Southeastern Louisiana and Eastern Louisiana. Roadside Geology of Louisiana(pp. 49-97; 97-111). Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company.

Spearing provides a descriptive account of the geological history and features of Louisiana. Dividing the states up into separate regions with witty titles (Northern Louisiana: Oldest Rocks, Highest Hills) he delves deeper into the region and provides necessary valuable and vivid details about the areas in each region, from the processes that have occurred and the actions that are being observed to the geological makeup of the area. The descriptions of the Mississippi, Atchafalaya and the Lake Ponchatrain areas provide for us the information necessary to build a detailed insurance policy that will take into account and provide protection and aid for the different types of areas prevalent in New Orleans and the Mississippi area.

Time-Picayune (2006), The Cost of Living will chase us off. Retrieved September 10th, 2006 from NOLA website.

This details the situation with insurance for people after hurricane Katrina hit. Rates on everything have gone up due to the rising expenses dealing with restoration of New Orleans. Everything is in such a mess that important even crucial votes have been postponed due to the fact that politicians cannot decide on what is the best course to take for restoration in New Orleans. Some people face a 100% increase in their premiums in the upcoming future. A strong insurance plan needs to be implemented so that this situation can be avoided in the future.

Turpin, J. (2005). Drying out the Big Easy, Engineered Systems (pp.30-35) Troy, MI: BNP Media.

This article gives more detail into what the buildings of New Orleans looked like after Katrina. The business buildings fared much better than the actual homes of people, but there was still a lot of damage that was done to actual business building itself that will cost a lot of money and a lot of man power to fix. It provides insight into what insurance companies should provide in their policies that would help in this situation.

Wikipedia (2006) Hurricane Katrina. Retrieved September 10th, 2006 from Wikipedia website.
This site gives detailed information on what happened point by point on the day of the Hurricane. It talks of a variety of things, from the path of the hurricane to the devastation caused by it. Information is also provided on the rescue efforts, again giving insight into the devastation caused by Katrina. There is also information on the different parts of the city of New Orleans and surrounding areas that were hit the most by Katrina, which will help in a comprehensive plan for a strong and well-rounded insurance policy.
Wikipedia (2006) National Flood Insurance Program September 10th, 2006 from Wikipedia website.

The National Flood Insurance program is a government program through which you can obtain flood insurance. It is designed so that it is the only place from which you can get flood insurance. It borrows money from the US Treasury in time of heavy losses, such as Katrina, and this is bad in times when the country is heading for a recession. A new system must be devised so that flood insurance can live up to its potential and actually help people rather than create more problems.

Wyatt, W. (2005). Hope After the Hurricanes. State Legislatures (pp. 12-14) Denver, CO: National Conference of State Legislatures.

This details all the efforts that were put into the relief effort for New Orleans. It shows how the world responded to the devastation in New Orleans and how the government itself responded. But then it explains how the influx of aid that was going into New Orleans started to dwindle and how not all the aid was being given to the people of New Orleans because politicians could not decide how to delegate the aid to the people in need. Several other politicians in New Orleans and in surrounding areas such as Texas have been trying to help people in the area. This gives us insight in to how the policies should be made so that people receive the aid that they need.