[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
[Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences] & [Department of Physics]
[12.410J/8.287J Observational Techniques of Optical Astronomy]

``Available region'' of objects for 12.410J projects

RA is marked along the top edge; Dec is marked along the right edge.

Objects above the heavy solid line are in the ``available region'' and are above 30 degrees altitude as seen from Wallace Observatory, in astronomical darkness, for at least 4 hours every night from Sep. 15 through Nov. 15.

Objects which lie on the dashed line to the right of the available region are already setting through 30 degrees altitude at the start of astronomical darkness on Sep. 15. Objects between the solid and dashed lines misleadingly appear to be available objects during September when they're up in the evenings, but as the semester progresses they set increasingly earlier and slip low into evening twilight, and so are not good targets for 12.410J term projects.
[star chart here]

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