1. a) False. Inflation is below its historical average also in Europe
and in Japan. (See tables for inflation, output and unemployment in Ch.1)
b) False. From Figure 1-8 (in the text) you can see that the Japanese trade
surplus has fluctuated
c) False. The combined GDP of the European Union was larger than the
one for the US in 1994, the population was also larger. However, the
standard of living (GDP per capita) was higher in the US.
2. There are several possible explanations:
- Increased productivity of the current population of workers If
output per worker is increasing, then output can grow without any
increase in employment.
- Use of overtime
- Increased productivity of current capital
- The labor force may be rising, but if employment grows more slowly
than the labor force the unemployemt rate will rise.
It usually takes a large increase in output (above 2.5%) to decrease
3. a) No, this is an intermediate sale. The transaction will be counted
as part of GDP through the restaurant revenues.
b) Yes, this is a final service.
c) Snow-shovelling is a final service and should be counted as part
of GDP. However, it's unlikely that this transaction will ever be
recorded, it's part of the underground economy (unmeasured economic
Participation in MIT experiments is tracked down with your SS
number. However, it is not a final service. Basically, your revenues
are sombebody else's cost.
d.- This is a payment for an intermediate service, therefore it is not
counted as part of GDP at this stage.
e.- Purchases of used goods are not counted as part of GDP.
4.a) Final Production: GDP = $500.000 , final purchases by consumers
b) Value Added Approach:
Value added in farming = $200.000 (no intermediate inputs)
Value added in baking = $500.000-$200.000 = $300.000
Total Value added= $500.000
c) Income approach
Wages in farming ....$100.000
Wages in baking......$200.000
Total wages = $300.000
Profits in farming= $200.000 - $100.000 = $100.000
Profits in baking = $500.000 - $200.000 - $200.000 = $100.000
Total profits = $200.000
Total income = $500.000
5. The CPI is an index of the aggregate price of consumption goods, where as the GDP deflator is an index of the aggregate price of output. Some of the goods in GDP are sold to firms, the government or to foreigners, rather than to domestic consumers. Changes in the prices of imported consumption goods will affect the CPI but not the GDP. For countries with different GDP composition and different degree of openness, the discrepancies between both may be important.
6. Your answer to this question may vary, but remember that the CPI reflects the evolution of consumption goods prices, once you determine the typical basket of consumption for your two populations, you have to make a case that the price for one of the baskets has increased at faster/slower rate. The fact that a professor may have a BMW and a student a second-hand Chevy, does not say anything about how the price of those two goods evolves over time.
Year | 1996 | 1997 |
Nominal GDP | 4.501.600 | 5.101.800 |
Real GDP (p_96)(*) | 4.501.600 | 5.301.200 |
Real GDP (p_97) | 4.352.400 | 5.101.800 |
GDP deflator (p_96) | 1 | 0.96238 |
GDP deflator (p_97) | 1.03428 | 1 |
(*) Real GDP (base p_i) = Nominal GDP/GDP deflator(base p_i)
Real GDP growth (p_96) = (5.301.200 - 4.501.600) / 4.501.600 = 0.1776, 17.76%
Real GDP growth (p_97) = (5.101.800 - 4.352.400) / 4.352.400 = 0.1722, 17.22%
Inflation (p_96) = (0.96238 - 1) /0.96238 = -0.0391 , -3.91%
Inflation (p_97) = (1.03428 - 1)/1 = 0.03428, 3.43%
Different base years will give different answers, one cannot say that
one is more correct than the other.
8. Accuracy of tests administered, number of tests, time spent with physician and nurses are just an example of things one might want to consider. If we account for these factors, the large increase in prices usually associated with medical costs, may not be that large.