This problem set is due on Friday, February 20, 1998, in your recitation. Please make sure to put your TA name and section time on your work.
1. Suppose that an economy is characterized by the following behavioral equations:
C = 100 +0.6Y_da.- Solve for equilibrium levels for GDP (Y), disposable income (Y_d), consumption spending, private saving, public saving and the value of the multiplier.
I = 50
G = 250
T = 100
2. What would be the implications for the model in 1) if taxes were proportional to income (T=tY)?
3. The budget surplus (BS) for the government is defined as
government revenues minus government expenditures. (Taxes are
proportional to income like in 2.))
Analyze the effect on the BS of:
a.- An increase in business confidence
b.- An increase in government expenditures
c.- A decrease in consumer confidence
d.- Derive the multiplier if the government runs a balanced budget (BS=0)
4. Although the marginal propensity to consume states the relation
between aggregate income and aggregate consumption, it can also apply
to the relation between income and consumption for an individual.
a.- Determine your own marginal propensity to consume out of current
income (hint: how much would your spending increase if your hourly
wages goes up from $8 to $10. how much would your spending increase
if you start working this summer for $3000/month?)
b.- Is your marginal propensity to consume consistent with the two
"natural restrictions" stated in the text. If not, explain.
5. "True" or "false" (explain briefly)
a.- In a dynamic model of the goods market, there is no multiplier
b.- In a dynamic model of the goods market, firms maintain constant
levels of inventories from period to period
c.- In a dynamic model of the goods market, the only way to calculate
equilibrium GDP is to run a simulation and add up the changes to GDP
in each period.
6. Consider the following dynamic model of the goods market
C_t = 0.5 + 0.75(Y_t - T)a.- Solve for equilibrium GDP, under the assumption that GDP is constant
I = 25
G = 150
T = 100
Z_t = C_t + I + G
Y_t+1 = Z_t