Welcome to
Welcome to the Class home page for 15.059, System Optimization.
This is a class taught within the Sloan School of
Management at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. This course will be offered in spring 1997
a new course number
15.057. Currently,the class material shown here is
from the Spring 1996 term. Click here to read the welcome memo from Professor Thomas L.
Magnanti and learn what is exciting about this course.
This semester, we will be distributing homework
assignments and solutions, class notes, some of the reading materials through this web
page. For how to view and print documents, please refer to the section
Viewing and Printing Documents.
This course will be offered in spring 1997
under a new course number
Other Useful Links
Please send questions and comments to Professor
Thomas L. Magnanti at
School of Management, MIT
This home page
has been visited about 900 times in the spring of 1996.
We have reset the counter, and you are visitor number
since 6/22/1996.
Updated by Yi Wang.