16.26 Problem Set #5 |
3/21/97 |
Due 4/4/97 |
- One side of a plate is held at the reference
temperature To, while the other side is held at T1. The conductivity
of the plate is
Find an expression for T(x) in the steady state. Express your answer
in terms of dimensionless temperature, distance, and conductivities
Make a chart of the results, showing q vs x for several values
of k (from - to +, and including 0).
- If To = 0 ·F and T1 =
200 ·F, predict the stresses in the plate described above, which
is made of 2024-T3 aluminum. First assume that the material properties
are constant (use RT values) except for the variation in k, which, looking
at the charts, can be approximated nicely as linearly varying with T. Then
solve the same problem including the (roughly linear) variations in E and
alpha as well. Assume free edges and small deflections.
- A 2" x 2" 2024-T3 Aluminum plate, 1/8"
thick, initially at 70·F, is restrained on all sides, and exposed
to on the top and bottom surfaces to a turbulent fluid (hc = 1000
w/m2K) at temperature T, where
T, = 70·F + (0.01·F/sec) t
and t is the time in seconds. Predict as accurately as you can
the stress in the plate as a function of time from t = 0 to t
= 63000 seconds.