1. Consider the model space system shown below.

    The radiator has an area of 1 m^2, has a surface with alpha-s = .2, epsilon-ir = 0.8, and is equipped with internal heat pipes sufficiently effective that it can be considered isothermal at temperature Tr. It is exposed to conditions that can vary from full sun (qs = 1400 w/m^2) to deep space.

    An aluminum (k = 164 w/mK) thermal doubler with the dimensions shown runs to an electronics box. Model it as two thermal resistances- one from the radiator to point A, and the other between points A and B.

    An electronics box contains equipment that gives off 50 w in waste heat. Structurally, it looks like an aluminum plate 0.5 cm thick; thermally assume that the heat is dissipated by the electronics in such a way that the box is isothermal at temperature Te.

    The box is effectively glued down with a layer of RTV silicon rubber 0.5 mm thick.
    (RTV: alpha =90 micro-strain/K, k = 0.87 w/mK, E = .02 Msi, nu = 0.3)
    1. Figure out the temperatures Tr, TA, TB, and Te in for each design, for the worst (most extreme) environments. Clearly state the assumptions used to perform the analysis.
    2. Figure out the shear stresses and strains in the RTV.
    3. The thermal doubler is replaced by a composite with approximately the same thermal and mechanical properties as aluminum, but alpha=0. What happens? Assume room temperature assembly.

  2. A composite is made up of three layers- a .02" layer of transverse (90°) material, surrounded on both sides by .01" layers of axial (0°) material. The properties of the composite are given below. The composite was manufactured at 350°F.
    1. At what temperature will the middle layer crack?
    2. If it is found that the toughness of the material is reduced according to the relation G(N) = G(0) .94^log(N), how many cycles to a low temperature of -25°F will crack the middle layer?

      El = 20.6 Msi
      Et = 1.42 Msi
      alpha-l = +0.05 micro-strain/°F
      alpha-t= +16 micro-strain/°F
      GIc = 150 J/m^2 (=.855 English units: in lb/in^2)
      zeta (xi in notes) = 0.6