STISIM Drive (SDL) - JBAR - Jersey Barrier

Display a line of Jersey roadway barriers in the display scene. Typically, long term roadway construction zones use some type of heavy duty barrier to insure that the vehicles traveling along the roadway do not enter a danger zone. These construction zones can be created in STISIM Drive using either one or a series of JBAR events. If the driver hits the Jersey barrier, STISIM Drive will issue a collision. Since the program uses 3D models, the sizing parameters that were specified in earlier versions of the program are no longer used. Instead, you can use parameter 6 to specify the height of the barriers that will be displayed. Another change in the new software is that the remaining jersey barriers will not disappear if a collision occurs. If this causes problems use the crash buffer variable or the CSET event to set up different crashing parameters.



The longitudinal distance, in feet, that the front (end closest to the driver) of the barrier is away from the driver when the barrier initially appears.


No longer used.


Lateral position, in feet, of the front (end of the barrier closest to the driver) of the barrier with respect to the roadway’s dividing line. This anchors the front of the barrier at a particular position in the roadway.


Lateral position, in feet, of the rear (end of the barrier farthest away from the driver) of the barrier with respect to the roadway’s dividing line. This anchors the rear of the barrier at a particular position in the roadway.


Length, in feet, of the barrier that will be displayed. This parameter combined with PARAMETERS 3 and 4, tells the software where the barrier end points are located relative to the driver and the roadway, and then draws the barrier between the end points. The total length of the barrier can be almost any length (we recommend that you keep them to 1000 foot sections). Furthermore, the barrier that is drawn appears in 8 foot sections with a dividing line showing the breaks between each consecutive section of the barrier. The barrier will follow the path of the roadway, therefore if the roadway is straight, the barrier that is displayed will be drawn linearly from the front end point to the rear end point. On curved roadways, the barrier will be drawn around the curve using 8 foot straight line sections (for each individual barrier). Additionally, since the lateral positions of the barrier’s end points are specified relative to the roadway’s dividing line, the barriers can be used to cordon off a lane while in a curve.


Type of jersey barrier. Allowable types are:

1 - 3 foot high barrier
2 - 4 foot high barrier



The example events shown are used to block off the left most lane of the road for 500 feet. The first line sets up a Jersey barrier so that it gradually blocks the lane and forces the driver to merge into the next lane to the right. The second line keeps the lane blocked for the 500 feet.

After the driver has traveled 2000 feet down the road, a Jersey barrier will be displayed 1000 feet in front of the driver (2000,JBAR,1000). The next 2 parameters specify the lateral positions for the front and rear of the barrier respectively. Since these parameters are set to 0 and 12, the beginning of the barrier will start at the roadways dividing line and the end of the barrier will be 12 feet to the right of the dividing line. The length of the barrier is set to 500 feet, therefore this event will gradually block the right most lane over a distance of 500 feet. The height of the barrier is 3 feet because the final parameter is set to 1.

After the driver has traveled 2500 feet down the road, another Jersey barrier will be displayed 1000 feet in front of the driver (2500,JBAR,1000). Once again the next 2 parameters specify the lateral positions for the front and rear of the barrier respectively. This time both parameters are set to 12 feet. This means that both the beginning and ending lateral positions will be the same. The length of the barrier is set to 500 feet, therefore this event will just block lanes to the left of the driver and prevent the driver from using them. The height of this barrier is 4 feet (the final parameter is set to 2).