STISIM Drive (SDL) - V - Vehicle

Display a vehicle in the driver’s lane, traveling the same direction as the driver. If the driver’s vehicle comes in contact with the this new vehicle, the crash sound effect will be played (if active), and a collision will be added to the driver’s collision total. Because of memory limitations, the V event is limited to a total of 550 occurrences in the entire scenario. Vehicles that are displayed using the V event have some intelligence built into them. If they are approaching the driver from behind, or approaching a stop sign or traffic signal light, they will attempt to do the right thing. When dealing with traffic lights, if the light changes from green, and they are capable of stopping without breaking the laws of physics, the vehicle will stop at the light. When the light changes to green, the vehicles will then accelerate back up to their specified speed. The same action will take place at stop signs. When in traffic, a vehicle that is approaching the driver from behind and in the driver’s lane, will try to slow down so that it does not collide with the driver’s vehicle. If a driver were to swerve in front of an approaching vehicle, the approaching vehicle will try to slow down, but it may not be enough to avoid a collision. Unfortunately, the vehicles are still "dumb" with respect to each other, and they do not know, or care where any of the other vehicles are located.



The speed, in feet/second, of the new vehicle. You may also reference the vehicle’s speed with respect to the driver’s speed by using a * or / in front of this parameter. If a * symbol appears as the first character in the parameter specification, the program will take the value of parameter 1 and add it to the current speed of the driver’s vehicle and use this as the new vehicle speed. This speed will remain constant, based on the driver’s speed when the event begins.

If a / symbol appears as the first character in the parameter specification, the program will take the value of parameter 1 and add it to the current speed of the driver’s vehicle at each time step. This means that the new vehicle speed will be changing as the driver’s speed changes. Therefore, if the driver’s vehicle slows down, the new vehicle will slow down accordingly.


The longitudinal distance, in feet, that the vehicle is away from the driver when the vehicle initially appears.


The lateral lane position, in feet, of the center of the vehicle with respect to the roadway’s dividing line. It is important to remember that if all of the lanes of traffic are in one direction, the roadway’s dividing line is defined as the left edge of the roadway.

You may also reference the vehicle’s position with respect to the driver’s position by using a * or / in front of this parameter. If a * symbol appears as the first character in the parameter, the program will take the value of parameter 3 and add it to the current lateral position of the driver’s vehicle and use this as the vehicle’s lateral position.

If a / symbol appears as the first character in the parameter, the program will take the value of parameter 3 and add it to the current lateral position of the driver’s vehicle at each time step. This new value will be used as the vehicle’s lateral position. This means that the new vehicle’s lateral position will be changing as a function of the driver’s lateral position. Therefore, if the driver goes to the right, the new vehicle will also move to the right.


If the new vehicle will be decelerating (set using parameters 6-21), then this tells the simulation whether or not to use the brake lights on the new vehicle.

0 - Brake lights will remain the same color
1 - Brake lights become brighter when the vehicle begins braking.


Vehicle model type number {Vehicles}. You may assign the vehicle a random number by using the following syntax notation:

*[low range]~[high range] (for example *1~8)

In this case, the program will randomly choose a type number from all of the numbers between the low range number and the high range number. In the example, a number between 1 and 8 (inclusive) would be used. This parameter used to be the vehicle color, but since STISIM Drive uses predefined vehicle models, you must now choose a model instead of a color.


Parameters 6 through 25 have been included so that you have more control over how the new vehicles behave. We have tried to make the vehicle behavior as generic as possible so that a wide range of scenarios can be programmed. Parameters 6 through 25 are actually grouped into 5 separate sets of parameters, 6-9, 10-13, 14-17, 18-21, and 22-25. Each of these sets describe a particular action that the vehicle will take. This allows you to control the vehicle 5 separate ways after it is initially displayed on the screen. You don’t have to use all 5 actions, any number between 1 and 5 can be used for each vehicle. Each action that you would like the vehicle to take is controlled by the following vehicle parameters:

Parameters 6,10,14,18,22:

Closure time, in seconds, between the driver’s vehicle and the vehicle you are controlling, this can be both positive and negative depending on the action that is desired. Positive meaning that the two vehicles are getting closure to one another, negative meaning that the vehicle’s are getting farther apart. Specifying the closure time so that the event acts as you intended is not an easy task. Since the closure times are irrespective of the locations of the 2 vehicles, you can add an additional attribute to the closure time parameter that tells STISIM Drive to only activate the closure time if the event vehicle is in front of or behind the driver’s vehicle. If the closure time parameter ends with an F, the action will only be activated when the new vehicle is in front of the driver’s vehicle and the closure time criteria is met (e.g. 10F would mean only in front of the driver’s vehicle and within 10 seconds and closing). Placing a B at the end of the closure time parameter, instructs STISIM Drive to only take action when the new vehicle is behind the driver’s vehicle. If neither F or B appears, STISIM Drive will activate when ever the closure time criteria is met.

Parameters 7,11,15,19,23:

Lateral distance that the new vehicle will move, with respect to its current lateral position, in feet. The vehicle’s current lateral position is always with respect to the roadway’s dividing line, with positive to the right. Like parameter 3 above, you may use the * and / symbols at the beginning of the parameter specification in order to reference the lateral position of the vehicle with that of the driver’s vehicle.

Parameters 8,12,16,20,24:

New speed, in feet/second, that the vehicle will be traveling at the end of the transition period. Since you will be specifying a transition time, the program will perform a linear transition from the vehicle’s speed when the transition begins until it reaches the specified speed at the end of the transition period. If you specify a speed that is slower than the current vehicle speed, then the vehicle will decelerate during the transition period. As with parameter 1 above, you may use the * and / symbols at the beginning of the parameter specification to reference the new speed to the driver’s vehicle.

Parameters: 9,13,17,21,25:

The amount of time, in seconds, that the transition will occur over.


100,V,/30,-250,*0,1,7, 5,/12,*30,2, -5, *0,/30,2

The above event example illustrates a vehicle approaching the driver’s vehicle from behind, and then passing the vehicle. First, when the driver’s vehicle has traveled 100 feet down the road, a vehicle that will travel at a constant 30 ft/sec (/30) faster than the driver will be displayed 250 feet directly behind the driver (-250,*0). This means the new vehicle will initially be approaching the driver’s vehicle from behind, and in the driver’s lane. The brake light flag is set so that if the vehicle begins to decelerate, the brake lights will turn on (1). The model type number of the vehicle is specified by the seventh field and this tells the program to use vehicle model number 7.

The remainder of the parameters deal with the vehicle taking some type of action. The first 4 action parameters (5,/12,*30,2) tells the program that when the new vehicle and the driver’s vehicle are within 5 seconds of each other, move the new vehicle 12 feet to the right of the driver’s vehicle, and set the new velocity so that it is 30 ft/sec faster than the driver’s current speed. All of this will occur during the 2 seconds following the initiation of the action.

After the vehicle has passed the driver and is pulling away, it still needs to return to the driver’s lane. To do this the second action listed on the event line is used (-5, *0,/30,2). When the vehicle is 5 seconds in front of the driver’s vehicle (-5), then the second action will begin. This second action consists of the new vehicle pulling directly back in front of the driver (*0), traveling at a constant 30 ft/sec faster than the driver (/30) no matter what the driver’s speed is. Like the first action, this action will occur during the 2 seconds following the initiation of the action.