References for Issues in Automation (complacency & trust) topic:

Paper reviewed:

Parasuraman, R. (1997). "Humans and Automation: Use, Misuse, Disuse, Abuse." Human Factors, 39(2), 230-253.

Other supporting references:

Parasuraman, R., Sheridan, T., and Wickens, C.D. (2000). A model for types and
levels of human interaction with automation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics ­ Part A: Systems and Humans, 30(3), 286-297.

Sarter, N.B., Woods, D.D., and Billings, C.E. (1997). Automation surprises. In
G. Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (2nd edition). New
York: Wiley.

Metzger, U. and Parasuraman, R. (2001). The role of the air traffic controller in
future air traffic management: An empirical study of active control versus passive
monitoring. Human Factors.

Yeh, M. and Wickens, C. D. (2000). "Attention and trust biases in the design of autmented reality displays." Technical Report ARL-00-8/FED-LAB-00-1.