References for Complexity and Mental Models topic:

Papers covered in seminar:

Pawlak, William S., Brinton, Christopher R., Crouch, Kimberly, Lancaster, Kenneth M., (1996) "A Framework for the Evaluation of Air Traffic Control Complexity", Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, San Diego, CA.

Edmonds, B. (1999) What is Complexity?: the philosophy of Complexity per se with application to some examples in evolution. In F. Heylighen & D. Aerts (eds.): The Evolution of Complexity, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1-18.

Xiao, Y., P. Milgram, et al. (1992). Off-Loading, Prevention, and Preparation: Planning Behaviours in Complex System Management. Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Association of Canada, Hamilton, ON.


Other supporting references:

Rauterberg, M. (1996). "How to measure cognitive complexity in human-computer interaction," Proceedings of the 13th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.

Sridhar, B., Sheth, K. S., & Grabbe, S. (1998). "Airspace complexity and its application in air traffic management," in Proceedings of the 2nd USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar. Orlando.