References for Behavior in Extreme Environments topic:

Papers reviewed:

Sandal, G. (2001). "Psychosocial issues in space: Future challenges." Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin, 14(2), 47-54.

Palinkas, L. A. (2001). "Psychosocial issues in long-term space flight: Overview", Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin, 14(2), 25-33.


Other supporting references:

Helmreich, R. L. (2000). "Culture and error in space: Implications from analog environments". Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 71(9-11), 133-139.

Kanas, N., Salnitskiy, V., Grund, E. M., Weiss, D. S., Gushin, V., Bostrom, A., Kozerenko, O., Sled, A., & Marmar, C. R. (2001). "Psychosocial issues in space: Results from Shuttle/Mir." Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin, 14(2), 35-45.