The web site for "Accuracy in Media" is the most interesting of the media criques I was able to find on the web. Although no critique can fully do justice to the bias visible in "Accuracy in Media," I will attempt to expose the blatantly conservative thrust of this publication.

The main flaw I found with "Accuracy in Media" is it's hypocritical nature. "Accuracy in Media" trys to appear unbiased although every aspect of their webpage exudes a right wing political bias. The "Accuracy in Media" mission statement is as follows; "for fairness, balance, and accuracy in News Reporting. Your watchdog of the news media." I find it rather ironic that underneath this mission statements are a couple of links, one of which is CONSERVATIVE LINKS. Although, "Accuracy in Media" seeks out fair and unbiased journalism, their webpage merely contains links to other publications with their points of view. A truly unbiased and fair publication would have partisan links.

No analysis of "Accuracy in Media"' s webpage would be complete withough commenting on "Accuracy in Media"'s feature column. The column for the week of December 3, 1997 is titled, "Janet Reno-Prosecuter or Cover-Up Girl." Now this title is anything but fair or unbiased, they are immediately passing judgement on Janet Reno. As one can imagine the article that follows is merely slinging mud at Reno and other members of the Clinton administration. I quote, "Blackely's sins were not trivial." No piece of journalism bearing the word 'sins' could ever hope to be considered fair and unbiased. I also particuraly like the predictions made for the future, "Turning an equally-dogged independent counsel loose on the Clinton-Gore campaign finance scandals could change the course of American History." Now this is mere speculation, but this prediction is very apolitical as it is hinting that their are many finance cover-ups, which if uncovered could throw Clinton out of office. This statement is anything but fair and accurate as "Accuracy in Media" claims in it's mission statement. To end this critiscism I'll end with the last line of the article, "We'll agree that Miss Reno has a tough job: being the Cover-up Girl for the Clinton WHite HOuse requires both nerves and a strong stomach."

I found it very amusing that the only form of news that "Accuracy in Media" commends is one that agrees one hundred percent with their particular views. The article, titled, "THe Media Can Do Something Right." This article praises Dateline NBC for its program on the McCaughey septuplets. Why do they like this article? I quote, "The Dateline NBC program turned in a positive performance that may have constituted the first hour in the history of network television to have been almost exclusively devoted to the pro-life cause...was a very powerful testimony to the values of human life and religious faith." "Accuracy in Media" found this program commendable because it supported their pro-life view that life begins at contraception. I am fairly sure that had dateline presented an opposing view then "Accuracy in Media" would not have written an article in praise of the program. I find it both ironic and amusing that possibly the most biased of publications has in it's mission statement, "for fairness, balance, and accuracy in News Reporting."