A. Waitz
Problem T1.
(Unified Thermodynamics)
Below is a
schematic of a water rocket that you will be evaluating later in the
semester. The baseline system uses
a standard 2-liter soda bottle for the rocket structure and fuel storage. The
bottle is partially filled with water and mounted on a rocket launch mechanism.
A metal restraining pin is inserted over the lip of the bottle-neck to keep the
bottle on the launcher until it is ready for launch. Air is then pumped through
the rod to pressurize the bottle; a small rubber o-ring on the launch rod
provides an airtight seal at the mouth of the bottle.
The launch is
initiated when the retaining pin is removed. The rocket launch consists of
three stages. The first stage is the period between the start of the launch and
when the rocket nozzle (bottle mouth) just reaches the top of the launch rod.
During the second stage the compressed air forces the water out of the bottle
at high speed as the bottle rises into the sky. The third stage is a ballistic
stage, in which the rocket continues upward under only the influence of gravity
and drag, reaching some maximum altitude before falling back to the ground.
Consider the
full system to be a bicycle pump, the person who pressurizes the rocket with
the pump, and the water rocket itself.
Describe the conversions of energy (internal, potential, kinetic and
chemical) and exchanges of heat and work for this system starting with the
pressurizing of the bottle, through the launch, and ending with the bottle back
on the ground. Note at which points in the process heat is transferred to or
from the surroundings. (LO#1,
LO#2, LO#3)
Water Bottle Rocket and Launching Mechanism