Convolution: The Movie!

“It has a dynamic plot – literally!”

Convolution Haiku:

Lines blue, red, and green
Moving phosphors on the screen –

now I understand

On this page, we show the convolution of a radar chirp with a chirp detector. The signals are shown in this plot; the convolution operation is shown in this movie. You can read an explanation of what's happening here.


The signals:


The convolution movie:



In the movie above, there are three dynamic plots. In the upper plot, u(t) is shown in blue, and g(t-τ) is shown in red. As t increases, the curve g(t-τ) slides to the right. In the middle plot, the product g(t-τ)u(τ) is shown in green. So the convolution y(t)=g(t)*u(t) at time t is equal to the area under the green. As t increases, the convolution is plotted out in the bottom plot as the black curve.

The impulse response g(t) is known as a chirp, or swept sine. It's called a chirp, because if it's an sudio signal, it makes a chirping sound. (Well, perhaps it's a little more like a whoop.) The input u(t) is the pulse sent out by the radar. It's intentially chosen to be a time reversed version of g(t). That guarantees that the maximum of y(t) is at t=0. Also, because the chirp has a broad frequency content, y(t) is large only near t=0. That makes it easy to tell when the pulse occurs.