May 7, 1998 // 17.423 // Causes & Prevention of War 
Van Evera & Mendeloff

                     THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR, 460-404 BCE

     NOTE: Contents of brackets [] suggest cases of deja vu all over again.

    Many later readers, across many centuries, felt that The Peloponnesian War
    evoked their own times and tragedies.  Are they right?  Does this book identify 
    general laws of motion in warfare that govern events across time and 

    Yet everyone sees a different central meaning in this book.  Some see an anti-
    democratic Thucydides warning that publics are folly-prone and popular rule will 
    be misrule.  Some see a ruthless celebration of the inexorable cruelties of 
    international politics.  Some see an anti-war book, warning that force is hard to 
    use; its results are uncertain; it is the worst and least reliable way to accomplish 
    any goal.

    A.  480 BCE:       Greece v. Persia
    B.  460-445 BCE:   Athens v. Sparta Round #1
    C.  431-421 BCE:    "          "    Round #2 (the "Archidamean War")
    D.  415-404 BCE:    "          "    Round #3

    A.  Athens and Sparta were the two strongest powers in Greece, each leading 
       a large alliance/empire.
    B.  Athenian power was growing relative to Spartan power.
    C.  Athens had a MAD-like military strategy: it would send its navy to torch 
        Spartan coastal cities if Sparta attacked over land.

    A.  The Spartan empire was an oppressive "human volcano," hence easily 
        conquered--its slaves would help an invader.  [Like Austria 1914 & 
        Hitler's 1941 view of the USSR.]
    B.  The Athenian empire was dependent on its fleet, which required tribute 
        from allies.  [Like the world imagined by mercantilists in 1755--empire 
        was a highly cumulative resource.]

    A.  The Greco-Persian War: Athens acquires an empire.  [Like the rise of 
        USSR 1945...]
    B.  Round #1: the Sparta-Athens war of 460-445--of which we know little.     
        (Thucydides has a sketchy account on pp. 87-103.)
    C.  Round #2 beginnings: 
        1.  The dispute at Epidamnus, 433 BCE.  Epidamnus was a tiny colony 
            of Corcyra, a neutral state in the Athens-Sparta conflict.  Corcyra was 
            a colony of Corinth, a major Spartan ally, but was now hostile to 
            Corinth.  A civil war erupts in Epidamnus.  The losers appeal for aid 
            first to Corcyra, then to Corinth (after Corcyra refuses aid.)  Corinth 
            offers aid and sends settlers to seize Epidamnus, which Corinth sees 
            as a lost possession.  Corcyra asks Athens for help against Corinth.  
            Athens agrees because it fears that Corinth, a major naval power, may 
            conquer Corcyra's substantial fleet, and may thereby tip the naval 
            balance-of-power against Athens.  Athens therefore offers Corcyra a 
            defensive alliance. However, offensive and defensive behavior are 
            hard to distinguish at sea; this allows Corinth to later claim (to Sparta) 
            that Athens has broken the 30-year truce (which ended the war of 460-
            445 BCE) by acting offensively.  Thus this local dispute is the first 
            trigger to a vast war.  [Sarajevo?]
        2.  The dispute at Potidaea, 432 BCE.  Athens, fearing war with Corinth 
            & Sparta, tightens control over its colony, Potidaea, by ordering 
            Potidaea to tear down its city walls and hand over hostages.  Potidaea 
            revolts.  Corinth--fearing the longterm growth of Athenian power, and 
            anxious to contain it--sends help to Potidaea (thereby violating the 30-
            year truce of 445.)  [Athens toward Potidaea = J.F. Dulles toward 
            Third World: "the U.S. won't tolerate neutralism..."] 
    D.  Sparta's decision for war, 431 BCE.
        1.  Sparta noted the rise of Athenian power [Germany fears rising Russia, 
            1914?]; and feared that a stronger Athens could destroy Sparta.
        2.  Corinth lies to Sparta: "Athens is breaking the 30 years truce! They 
            are starting a war!"--and Athens fails to reply to these lies.  
            [Dinwiddie, Shirley, & Duquesne, 1754...]
        3.  Sparta's pretexts for war--priests, goddesses, curses.  Every reason for 
            war is trotted out except the real one: Sparta's fear of Athens' rising 
            power.  [Gulf of Tonkin 1964 ...]
    E.  The death of Pericles and the rise of the hawks (Cleon and Alcibiades) in 
        Athens; the death of Archidamus and the rise of Brasidas in Sparta.  [The 
        rise of the Ludendorff/Hindenburg "silent dictatorship" in Germany, 1914-
    F.  The growth and later contraction of Athenian war aims.
        1.  Athens wins a big victory at Sphacteria, but then refuses to settle on 
            its original peace terms [Sebastopol 1855...] until it is sobered up by 
        2.  The Athenian defeats at Delium and Amphipolis; these finally 
            convince Athens to make a truce--the Peace of Nicias, 421-415 BCE.
    G.  Round #3 beginnings: the truce breaks down.
    H.  Athens destroys Melos, a rebelious colony: Athens kills all 
        military-age Melian men; women & children are enslaved.  Note: 
        compare the Mytilene Debate and the Melian Dialogue ... the latter was 
        nastier.  Ethical concerns disappear from the discussion.
    I.  The Athenian expedition to Syracuse [German unrestricted submarine 
        campaign, 1917 ...]
        1.  Athenians did little research before launching the Expedition. They 
            were largely ignorant of basic facts, e.g., Sicily's size and 
        2.  Athens' aims were vast, Syracuse's aims soon became vast [GB & Fr 
            in 1755, US in 1941, US & China 1950.]
        3.  Athens expected easy victory: Athenians thought the expedition was 
            "an absolutely safe thing."  This grew from: 
            a.  Athenian ignorance of Syracuse's power.
            b.  False expectation that others--Sparta and Sicilian states--would 
                bandwagon with Athens, wouldn't balance against it. [Hitler & 
                the Axis Alliance...]
            c.  False expectations of help from Egesta (see below.)
        4.  Athens expected a fun, cheap war.  [1914...]  The hawkish Alcibiades 
            told Athens:
            a.  The Expedition was an opportunity for "gaining new experience," 
                and to avert the "ruin" that comes with being "idle."
            b.  If things went poorly the Athenian forces could simply "come 
                back again."
        5.  Athenian strategy was disintegrated: Athenians said Syracuse was so 
            strong it was a serious threat, and so weak it could be easily 
        6.  Egestaean blue smoke & mirrors--Egesta manipulates Athenian 
            perceptions. [China lobby.]  Egesta tells Athens:
            a.  "Beware the transnational Dorian conspiracy against Athens! 
                Syracuse, being Dorian, is part of it!"
            b.  "If you fight Syracuse, others in Sicily will join your side!"
            c.  "We Egesteans have huge financial resources and can help a lot!"
        7.  When the Expedition later faces disaster, Nicias (the commander) 
            fears making a prudent peace because he fears being 
            pilloried for it by Athens' hawkish public.
    J.  Catastrophe for Athens.  The Syracusan expedition is destroyed (413 BCE). 
        But Athens survives anyway (413-404 BCE)! [Germany 1914-1918.]

    A.  Windows:
        1.  Preventive war by Sparta, 431 BCE: a window of vulnerability.
        2.  Preventive escalation by Sparta, 414 BCE: a window of opportunity.
    B.  Offense & Defense:
        1.  Security is a major goal on all sides: 
            a.  Athens' goal: to maintain the political division of maritime 
                Greece, since a unity of non-Athenian maritime Greece could 
                threaten Athens.
            b.  Sparta's goal: to ease the vulnerability to invaders that arose from 
                its oppressive social structure.
            c.  Sparta & Corinth's goal: to avert the threat posed by rising 
                Athenian power.
        2.  "Chain gang" dynamics in the Spartan and Athenian alliances: 
            a.  Corinth can drag Sparta to war because Sparta fears that otherwise 
                Corinth might defect; causing Megara to defect; causing Sparta's 
            b.  Athens is dragged into war by Corcyra for similar reasons. 
                [Serbia & Austria drag Europe to war in 1914...]
        3.  Offensive and defensive conduct prove to be indistinguishable. [1914]
        4.  Offense is believed easy militarily; campaign after campaign--by 
            Thebes, Corinth, Sparta, and Athens--is launched amid assurances that 
            "its a sure thing."
        5.  Bandwagon beliefs prevail on both sides.
    C.  Both sides fight to control resources believed cumulative, and to maintain 
    D.  Optimistic miscalculation of war outcome.
    E.  Cheap war, fun war expectations.
    F.  Conflict spirals:
        1.  Sparta opts for war in 431 partly because it falsely thought Athens had 
            broken the 30 year truce.  A clear case of "exaggerate the hostility of 
            others' conduct."
        2.  Athens v. Potidaea: Potidaea revolts in response to Athens' efforts to 
            tighten control.  These trigger more rebellion, not less.
        3.  Athens v. Mytilene: Mytilene revolts from fear of Athens, inspired by 
            Athens' cruel suppression of other colonies.  But Athens believes the 
            revolt has "no reason" and is unprovoked; hence it sees need to 
            further scare its colonies by suppressing them more cruelly.
        4.  Athens v. Syracuse: Athens exaggerates Syracusan hostility (by 
            imagining a false Dorian hostile conspiracy), then makes Syracuse 
            hostile by attacking it.
    G.  Lack of clear strategy ---> Forgetting of original aims & purposes in 
        Athens.  For example, Athens continues the Syracusan expedition even 
        after the important premises that underlay it (e.g. that Sparta wouldn't 
        enter the fray on Syracuse's side) are disproven.
    H.  Chauvinist mythmaking.
    I.  Poor evaluation of policy ideas, especially in wartime.
    J.  Pericles' hubris: "I can handle everything--I needn't train successors."  
        [Like Bismarck?]
    K.  Manipulation by Allies (Corinth manipulates Sparta; Egesta manipulates 
    L.  War ----> War
        1.  Reciprocal growth of war aims.
        2.  Rise of the superhawks in wartime.
        3.  The tyranny of sunk costs.  Alcibiades: "After having sailed out in 
            such forces (the Athenians) ought not to disgrace themselves by going 
            home with nothing to show for it."  (Thuc. p. 440.)
        4.  Fear that negotiation will be taken as a sign of weakness. Pericles 
            warns: "Do not send embassies to Sparta: do not give the impression 
            that you are bowed down under your present sufferings!" (Thuc. pp. 
        5.  McCarthyism: evaluators are shouted down or worse.  See 
            Thucydides, pp. 242-243: during the war Greeks came to believe that 
            "anyone who held violent opinions could always be trusted, and 
            anyone who objected to them became suspect."  And "fanatical 
            enthusiasm was the mark of a real man."  And "to think of the future 
            and wait was merely another way of saying one was a coward; any 
            idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one's unmanly 
            character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that 
            one was totally unfitted for action."  Not a climate conducive to calm 
            evaluation of options.
        6.  Growing barbarism on both sides as the war proceeds.

    Consider first history's many successful uses of force: the     
    Spanish/French/British/U.S. "Indian Wars" against native Americans; the U.S. 
    war against Mexico, 1846-1848, a most profitable escapade; the U.S. Persian 
    Gulf war, 1991; Israel's 1967 war against the Arabs; the Arabs' 1973 war 
    against Israel; the U.S. invasion of Haiti, 1994; the British war to recover the 
    Falklands from Argentina, 1982; etc.  All wars are not quagmires.  The 
    question is: how can you tell which is which?

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