World War II Debate: The Judgment of History

April 27 and May 4, 1998

Monday 3-4 Section

The War in Europe: Monday, 27 April

1. British appeasers

Robby Chhabra and Kuan Wu

2. Soviet leadership

Mike Kim and Chris von Krogh

3. American isolationists

Eric Hsieh

4. American Wilsonians

Eric Wilhelm

5. French leadership

Roy Emanuel and Mike Philips

6. German historical revisionists

Rob Roffman

7. German people/army

Tim Booher

The War in Asia: Monday, 4 May

1. American Pacific isolationists

Tyler Moeller and Walter Krebs
Prosecutor: Chris von Krogh

2. American Pacific hardliners

Eric Wilhelm
Prosecutor: Robby Chhabra

3. Japanese military

Tim Booher and Kuan Wu
Prosecutor: Mike Kim

4. Japanese civilian leadership

Eric Hsieh and Rob Roffman
Prosecutor: Mike Philips

Monday 5-6 Section

The War in Europe: Monday, 27 April

1. British appeasers

Jim Waldrop

2. Soviet leadership

Adam Chandler

3. American isolationists

Brandon DuRette

4. American Wilsonians

Bryan Morrissey

5. French leadership

Susan Buchman

6. German historical revisionists

Erin Noonan

7. German people/army

Kris Sobczak

The War in Asia: Monday, 4 May

1. American Pacific isolationists

Susan Buchman and Kris Sobczak
Prosecutor: Brian McElwain

2. American Pacific hardliners

Brandon DuRette and Adam Chandler

3. Japanese military

Bryan Morrisey and Jim Waldrop

4. Japanese civilian leadership

Erin Noonan and Brian McElwain

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