17.423: The Causes and Prevention of War
Spring 1998
TA: David Mendeloff

Response Paper



Your 1-2 page response paper should advance an argument about the reading or lectures. Advance only one or two arguments, preferably one. Your argument can dispute argument(s) advanced in the reading or lectures; can assess or concur with argument(s) advanced in the reading or lecture; can assess or explain policies or historical events described in the reading and lectures; or can relate current events in the press today to ideas or events in the readings or lectures. Evaluation of policies or ideas covered in the reading or lecture is encouraged. Somewhere in your paper --preferably at the beginning -- please offer a 1-2 sentence summary of your argument. It will not be graded but is mandatory and must be completed to receive full credit for class participation.

Before writing your papers, please familiarize yourself with the rules of citing sources (attached to the 17.423 course syllabus), and make sure you follow them. Failure to cite sources properly is plagiarism.

On Monday, 2 March, please bring to section two possible topics or specific questions that you will address in your paper.

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