TUESDAY (10/2)
Class Debate: Does Democracy Matter?
Fareed Zakaria, "Culture is Destiny: A Conversation with Lee
Kuan Yew," Foreign Affairs, November/December 1994,
73(6): 189-194.
Kim Dae Jung, "Is Culture Destiny? The Myth of Anti-Democratic
Values. A Response to Lee Kuan Yew," Foreign Affairs,
November/December 1994 73(6): 189-194.
Francis Fukuyama, "Confucianism and Democracy," Journal
of Democracy, April 1995, 6(2): 20-33.
Seth Mydans, "Soapbox Orators Stretch the Limits of Democracy,"
New York Times, September 2, 2000.
For Further Reading (Not Required):
- Daniel A. Bell, East Meets West (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2000).
- Donald K. Emmerson, "Singapore and the 'Asian Values' Debate,"
Journal of Democracy, October 1995, 6(4): 95-105.
- Thomas R. Lanser, ,"Rights, Respect, and 'Asian Values',"
Freedom Review, July 1995, 26(4): 42-45.
- Michael Freeman, "Human Rights, Democracy, ,and 'Asian Values',"
The Pacific Review, 1996, 9(3): 352-366.
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Friday, October 5 - Paper #1 Due
for Writing Papers
CAPTION: Two views of the city-state of Singapore.
Elder Singapore statesman Lee Kwan Yew(Yu).