TUESDAY (10/30)
Video: Tableau Ferraille (85 mins)
Senegalese filmmaker Moussa Sense Absa'a "Tableau Ferraille"
(Scrap Heap) is a drama about the rise and fall of a young politician
with two very different wives, the devoted but barren Gagnesiri and
the bored, glamorous Kine. When Daam becomes a minister of development,
his impoverished community expects him to be a savior - especially
a corrupt developer eager to build an unsafe bridge.
- Freedom in the World, Chapter on Brazil.
- Frederic Schaffer, Democracy in Translation: Understanding Politics
in an Unfamiliar Culture: ix-xii, 1-20, 54-138.
For Further Reading (Not required):
- Dennis Galvan, "Political Turnover and Social Change in Senegal,"
Journal of Democracy, July 2001, 12(3): 51-62.
Web Links:
Map of Sengal
Senegalese women with various artistic renditions.