function eigshow(arg) %EIGSHOW Graphical demonstration of eigenvalues and singular values. % % EIGSHOW presents a graphical experiment showing the effect on the % the unit circle of the mapping induced by various 2-by-2 matrices. % A pushbutton allows the choice of "eig" mode or "svd" mode. % % In eig mode, the mouse can be used to move the vector x around the % unit circle. The resulting trajectory of A*x is plotted. The object % is to find vectors x so that A*x is parallel to x. Each such x is an % eigenvector of A. The length of A*x is the corresponding eigenvalue. % % In svd mode, the mouse moves two perpendicular unit vectors, x and y. % The resulting A*x and A*y are plotted. When A*x is perpendicular to % A*y, then x and y are right singular vectors, A*x and A*y are % multiples of left singular vectors, and the lengths of A*x and A*y % are the corresponding singular values. % % The figure title is a menu of selected matrices, including some % with fewer than two real eigenvectors. EIGSHOW(A) inserts A, % which must be 2-by-2, in the menu. % % Here are some questions to consider: % Which matrices are singular? % Which matrices have complex eigenvalues? % Which matrices have double eigenvalues? % Which matrices have eigenvalues equal to singular values? % Which matrices have nondiagonal Jordan canonical forms? % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 1997/11/21 23:25:37 $ if nargin == 0; initialize elseif arg == 0 action elseif arg < 0 setmode(arg) else initialize(arg); end %------------------ function initialize(arg) if nargin == 0 arg = 6; end if isequal(get(gcf,'tag'),'eigshow'); h = get(gcf,'userdata'); mats = h.mats; else set(gcf,'numbertitle','off','menubar','none') h.svd = 0; mats = { '[5/4 0; 0 3/4]' '[5/4 0; 0 -3/4]' '[1 0; 0 1]' '[0 1; 1 0]' '[0 1; -1 0]' '[1 3; 4 2]/4' '[1 3; 2 4]/4' '[3 1; 4 2]/4' '[3 1; -2 4]/4' '[2 4; 2 4]/4' '[2 4; -1 -2]/4' '[6 4; -1 2]/4' 'randn(2,2)'}; end if all(size(arg)==1) if (arg < length(mats)) mindex = arg; A = eval(mats{mindex}); else A = randn(2,2); S = ['[' sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f; %4.2f %4.2f',A) ']']; mindex = length(mats); mats = [mats(1:mindex-1); {S}; mats(mindex)]; end else A = arg; if isstr(A) S = A; A = eval(A); else S = ['[' sprintf('%4.2f %4.2f; %4.2f %4.2f',A) ']']; end if any(size(A) ~= 2) error('Matrix must be 2-by-2') end mats = [{S}; mats]; mindex = 1; end clf if h.svd, t = 'svd / (eig)'; else, t = 'eig / (svd)'; end uicontrol(... 'style','pushbutton', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',[.86 .60 .12 .06], ... 'string',t, ... 'value',h.svd, ... 'callback','eigshow(-1)'); uicontrol(... 'style','pushbutton', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',[.86 .50 .12 .06], ... 'string','help', ... 'callback','helpwin eigshow') uicontrol(... 'style','pushbutton', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',[.86 .40 .12 .06], ... 'string','close', ... 'callback','close(gcf)') uicontrol(... 'style','popup', ... 'units','normalized', ... 'position',[.28 .92 .48 .08], ... 'string',mats, ... 'tag','mats', ... 'fontname','courier', ... 'fontweight','bold', ... 'fontsize',14, ... 'value',mindex, ... 'callback','eigshow(get(gco,''value''))'); s = 1.1*max(1,norm(A)); axis([-s s -s s]) axis square xcolor = [0 .6 0]; Axcolor = [0 0 .8]; h.A = A; h.mats = mats; h.x = initv([1 0]','x',xcolor); h.Ax = initv(A(:,1),'Ax',Axcolor); if h.svd h.y = initv([0 1]','y',xcolor); h.Ay = initv(A(:,2),'Ay',Axcolor); xlabel('Make A*x perpendicular to A*y','fontweight','bold') set(gcf,'name','svdshow') else xlabel('Make A*x parallel to x','fontweight','bold') set(gcf,'name','eigshow') end set(gcf,'tag','eigshow', ... 'userdata',h, ... 'windowbuttondownfcn', ... 'eigshow(0); set(gcf,''windowbuttonmotionfcn'',''eigshow(0)'')', ... 'windowbuttonupfcn', ... 'set(gcf,''windowbuttonmotionfcn'','''')') %------------------ function h = initv(v,t,color) h.mark = line(v(1),v(2),'marker','.','erase','none','color',color); h.line = line([0 v(1)],[0 v(2)],'erase','xor','color',color); h.text = text(v(1)/2,v(2)/2,t,'fontsize',12,'erase','xor','color',color); %------------------ function action h = get(gcf,'userdata'); pt = get(gca,'currentpoint'); x = pt(1,1:2)'; x = x/norm(x); movev(h.x,x); A = h.A; movev(h.Ax,A*x); if h.svd y = [-x(2); x(1)]; movev(h.y,y); movev(h.Ay,A*y); end %------------------ function movev(h,v) set(h.mark,'xdata',v(1),'ydata',v(2)); set(h.line,'xdata',[0 v(1)],'ydata',[0 v(2)]); set(h.text,'pos',v/2); %------------------ function setmode(arg) h = get(gcf,'userdata'); h.svd = ~h.svd; set(gcf,'userdata',h) initialize(get(findobj(gcf,'tag','mats'),'value'))