function x = splv(A, b) % splv The solution to a square, invertible system. % x = splv(A, b) uses the PA = LU factorization % computed by splu to solve Ax = b. % % See also slv, splu, slash. [P, L, U] = splu(A); [n, n] = size(A); % Permute the right hand side. b = P*b; % Forward elimination to solve L*c = b. c = zeros(n, 1); for k = 1:n s = 0; for j = 1:k-1 s = s + L(k, j)*c(j); end c(k) = b(k) - s; end % Back substitution to solve U*x = c. x = zeros(n, 1); for k = n:-1:1 t = 0; for j = k+1:n t = t + U(k, j)*x(j); end x(k) = (c(k) - t) / U(k, k); end