Due Friday Sep 16 at 11am on Gradescope. Submit in PDF format: a decent-quality scan/image of any handwritten solutions (e.g. get a scanner app on your phone or use a tablet), and a PDF printout of your Jupyter notebook showing your code and (clearly labeled) results.
Suppose $A$ is a $3 \times 3$ matrix, $B$ is a $2 \times 3$ matrix, $x$ is a 3-component column vector, and $y$ is a $2$-component column vector.
What is the shape of the output (e.g. scalar, $4\times 3$ matrix, 5-component column vector, etcetera) of the following operations, or say nonsense if the operation doesn't make sense.
Given a function $f(x)$, we can sample it at $n$ equally spaced points $x_1 = a, x_2 = a+\Delta x, x_3 = a+2\Delta x, \ldots, x_n = a+(n-1)\Delta x = b$ from $a$ to $b$ to obtain a column vector $$ \vec{f} = \begin{pmatrix} f(x_1) \\ f(x_2) \\ \vdots \\ f(x_n) \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} f_1 \\ f_2 \\ \vdots \\ f_n \end{pmatrix} \, , $$ where $f_k = f(x_k) = f(a + (k-1)\Delta x)$.
(a) An approximate derivative of $f(x)$ (called a finite-difference approximation) is given by the difference operation: $$ D\vec{f} = \frac{1}{\Delta x} \begin{pmatrix} f_2 - f_1 \\ f_3 - f_2 \\ \vdots \\ f_n - f_{n-1} \end{pmatrix} $$ Write down this linear operator $D$ as a matrix (what size?) for $n=5$.
(b) Construct the same $D$ matrix in Julia, for $\Delta x = 1$, using the diagm
function to build matrices out of diagonal entries, and the fill
function to make vectors filled with constants. For example, this is a $6 \times 8$ matrix with 1's, 4's, and 7's on three diagonals:
using LinearAlgebra
diagm(6,8, 0 => fill(1,6), 1 => fill(4,6), -2 => fill(7,4))
(c) Use your same code to construct a $D$ matrix for $n=100$ and apply it to approximately differentate $f(x) = \sin(x)$ for $a,b = 0,5$, and plot your result using the code below. It should look like a cosine!
a, b = 0, 5
n = 100
Δx = (b - a) / (n - 1) # spacing for n points from a to b
x = range(a, b, length=n) # array of n points from a to b
f = sin.(x) # apply sin(x) elementwise to the vector x
# plot f and D*f
using PyPlot
plot(x, f, "r-")
plot(x[1:end-1] .+ Δx/2, D*f, "b-")
title(L"$f(x) = \sin(x)$ and approximate derivative")
legend([L"f(x)", L"df/dx"])
(d) An approximate integral of a function $g(x)$ sampled at $m$ points with spacing $\Delta x$ is given by a sum: $$ S \vec{g} = S \underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} g_1 \\ g_2 \\ \vdots \\ g_m \end{pmatrix}}_g = (g_1 + g_2 + \cdots g_m) \Delta x \, , $$ where $g_k = g(x_k)$ similar to $\vec{f}$. Write the linear operator $S$ as a matrix for $m=6$.
(e) What is the product $S D$ for $n=6$ and $m = \_\_\_\_$ (for the same $\Delta x$)? (That is, the approximate "integral of the derivative" is what linear operator?)
$B$ is a given $n \times n$ matrix, $y$ is a given $n$-component vector, and $x$ is an unknown $n$-component vector satisfying the equations: $$ B(x - y) = \frac{x+y}{2} $$
(a) Give a matrix $A$ (in terms of $B$ and/or the $n\times n$ identity matrix $I$) and a vector $b$ (in terms of $y$ and/or $B$) such that $x$ is a solution to $Ax = b$. (That is, we want to rewrite our equations in "standard" form so that we can exploit existing algorithms. Re-arrange the equation above so that all the terms involving $x$ are on one side and all of the known vectors are on the other side.)
(b) In Julia, $Ax = b$ can be solved with x = A \ b
. Check that your $A$ and $b$ from part (a) are correct (satisfy the original equation) on a random $5\times 5$ problem. (Note: Julia has a built-in constant I
that denotes a context-dependent identity matrix, e.g. A + 2I
in Julia computes $A + 2I$.)
B = randn(5,5) # a random 5×5 matrix
y = randn(5) # a random 5-component vector
A = ???? # FILL IN YOUR CODE HERE from your answer in (a)
b = ???? # FILL IN YOUR CODE HERE from your answer in (a)
x = A \ b # solve Ax=b
# check: does B(x - y) equal (x+y)/2 , up to roundoff errors?
B*(x - y) ≈ (x + y)/2 # ≈ is equality up to roundoff … should return "true"
(From Strang, section 2.2, problem 14.) Consider Gaussian elimination on the following system of equations:
\begin{align} 2x + 5y + z &= 0 \\ 4x + dy + z &= 2 \\ y - z &= 3 \end{align}(Write your solution in matrix form.)
(From Strang, section 2.2, problem 11.)
A system of linear equations Ax=b cannot have exactly two solutions. An easy way to see why: if two vectors x and y≠x are two solutions (i.e. Ax=b and Ay=b), what is another solution? (Hint: x+y is almost right.)
Suppose we want to solve $Ax=b$ for more than one right-hand side $b$. For example, suppose $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 6 & -3 \\ -2 & 3 & 4 \\ 1 & 0 & -2 \end{pmatrix} $$ and want to solve both $Ax_1 = b_1$ and $Ax_2 = b_2$ for the right-hand sides: $$ b_1 = \begin{pmatrix} 7 \\ 3 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \; b_2 = \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ -2 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} $$
Explain why solving both $Ax_1 = b_1$ and $Ax_2 = b_2$ is equivalent to solving $AX = B$ where $X$ is an unknown matrix (of what shape?) and B is a given matrix on the right-hand-side. Give $B$ explicitly, and relate $X$ to your desired solutions $x_1$ and $x_2$.
(Hint: how does matrix multiplication $AX$ relate to multiplying $A$ by each column of $X$?)
Solve your $AX=B$ equation by forming the augmented matrix $\begin{pmatrix} A & B\end{pmatrix}$, reducing it to upper-triangular form (once), and doing backsubstitution (twice) to obtain $X$ and hence $x_1$ and $x_2$.
You can solve $AX = B$ in Julia by the code X = A \ B
. The matrix $A$ is given below in Julia. Enter the matrix $B$, compute X = A \ B
, and verify that it matches the answer you computed by hand in (b).
A = [ 1 6 -3
-2 3 4
1 0 -2 ]
B = [ ???
??? ]
X = A \ B # solve AX = B for X