In class, we saw that $o = [1,1,\ldots,1,1]$ is an eigenvector of $M^T$ with eigenvalue $\lambda = 1$ for any Markov matrix $M$.
(a) If $x_k$ is an eigenvector of $M$ ($M x_k = \lambda_k x_k$) for any other eigenvalue $\lambda_k \ne 1$ of $M$, show that we must have $o^T x_k = 0$: it must be orthogonal to $o$. (Hint: use $o^T = o^T M$.)
(b) Check your result from (a) numerically for a random $5 \times 5$ Markov matrix M = rand(5,5); M = M ./ sum(M, dims=1)
, with eigenvalues eigvals(M)
and eigenvectors X = eigvecs(M)
. (Do using LinearAlgebra
to get eigvecs
and eigvals
(Note: if you have a long vector v
, Julia only shows a few elements by default, but you can show all the elements with @show v
. You can also look at the absolute values of the elements with abs.(v)
, which can be easier to read than complex numbers in checking that entries are small.)
(c) If we expand an arbitrary $x$ in an eigenvector basis $x = c_1 x_1 + \cdots + c_m x_m$, letting $x_m$ be a steady-state eigenvector ($\lambda_m = 1$) and supposing all of the other eigenvalues are $\ne 1$, show that $o^T x$ gives us a simple formula for $c_m = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_$.
(d) Hence, if all other eigenvalues have magnitude $<1$, then $M^n x \to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_$ (simple formula in $o,x,x_m$) as $n \to \infty$. Check this formula against M^100 * [1,2,3,4,5]
for your M
from (b).
(a) As $M$ is Markov, we have $o^T = o^TM$. Let us multiply both sides of $o^T = o^TM$ against the vector $x_k$, where $x_k$ is an eigenvector such that $Mx_k = \lambda_k x_k$ and $\lambda_k \neq 1$. We have $$o^Tx_k = o^TMx_k$$ $$\implies o^Tx_k = \lambda_k o^Tx_k$$ $$\implies (1 - \lambda_k) o^Tx_k = 0$$ $$\implies o^T x_k = 0,$$ where the last implication follows since $\lambda_k \neq 1$.
(b) The code is below, and indeed the dot products $o^T X$ are $\approx 0$ (up to roundoff errors) except for the (last) eigenvector corresponding to $\lambda = 1$.
using LinearAlgebra;
# generate Markov matrix
M = rand(5, 5);
M = M ./ sum(M, dims=1);
# compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
λ = eigvals(M);
X = eigvecs(M);
# check that o^T x_k is 0 for eigenvectors whose corresponding eigenvalue is not 1
o = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
result = o' * X;
@show λ
@show abs.(result)
λ = ComplexF64[-0.025239843953041324 - 0.17137257909892123im, -0.025239843953041324 + 0.17137257909892123im, 0.0569700076493306 + 0.0im, 0.1222868283145958 + 0.0im, 1.0000000000000002 + 0.0im] abs.(result) = [4.726604209672303e-16 4.726604209672303e-16 4.440892098500626e-16 2.3592239273284576e-16 2.154503435713057]
1×5 Matrix{Float64}: 4.7266e-16 4.7266e-16 4.44089e-16 2.35922e-16 2.1545
(c) Taking the dot product of $o$ with $x$ gives $$o^Tx = o^T(c_1x_1 + c_2x_2 + \ldots + c_mx_m)$$ $$= c_1o^Tx_1 + c_2o^Tx_2 + \ldots + c_mo^Tx_m.$$ From (a), we know that $o^Tx_i = 0$ for $i \neq m$. Thus, we have $$o^Tx = c_mo^Tx_m \implies c_m = \frac{o^Tx}{o^Tx_m}.$$
(d) We have $M^nx = c_1 \lambda_1^n x_1 + \ldots + c_m \lambda_m^n x_m$. As $n\to \infty$, $\lambda_i^n \to 0$ for $i \neq m$. So, $$M^nx \to c_m \lambda_m^n x_m = \frac{o^Tx}{o^Tx_m} x_m$$ where we use the formula for $c_m$ from (c). The code below observes this convergence.
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
# calculate true result
xTrue = M^100 * x;
# calculate expected result from part (c)'s work
xExpected = ((o' * x) / (o' * X[:,5])) .* X[:,5];
# compare the two
@show xTrue
@show xExpected
@show abs.(xTrue - xExpected)
xTrue = [1.9338510947374465, 3.8824772333448783, 3.9405657589028347, 3.0603805344264408, 2.182725378588311] xExpected = ComplexF64[1.9338510947374572 + 0.0im, 3.8824772333449022 + 0.0im, 3.9405657589028564 + 0.0im, 3.0603805344264576 + 0.0im, 2.1827253785883243 + 0.0im] abs.(xTrue - xExpected) = [1.0658141036401503e-14, 2.398081733190338e-14, 2.1760371282653068e-14, 1.687538997430238e-14, 1.3322676295501878e-14]
5-element Vector{Float64}: 1.0658141036401503e-14 2.398081733190338e-14 2.1760371282653068e-14 1.687538997430238e-14 1.3322676295501878e-14
From Strang, section 6.2. Consider $A = \begin{pmatrix} 0.6 & 0.4 \\ 0.4 & 0.6 \end{pmatrix}$ and $B = \begin{pmatrix} 0.6 & 0.9 \\ 0.1 & 0.6 \end{pmatrix}$. For this problem you keep in mind the diagonalization of matrices like $A$ and $B$.
(a) Which of $A^n$ or $B^n$ (or both, or neither) go $\to \begin{pmatrix}0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}$ as $n \to \infty$? Double-check your answer by looking at $A^{100}$ and $B^{100}$ in Julia — these are approaching matrices of rank ________ and ________, respectively.
(b) For what values of the real scalar $\mu$ is $\sqrt{A - \mu I}$ a real matrix? Check your answer by trying sqrt(A - μ*Ι)
for a few values of μ
in Julia (do using LinearAlgebra
to get I
(a) $A$ is a positive Markov matrix, so it must have one eigenvalue $\lambda_1 = 1$ and another eigenvalue with magnitude $|\lambda_2| < 1$. So, with no calculation, we can see that we must have $$A^n = X\begin{pmatrix}\lambda_1 &\\&\lambda_2\end{pmatrix}^nX^{-1} = X\begin{pmatrix}\lambda_1^n&\\&\lambda_2^n\end{pmatrix}X^{-1} \to X\begin{pmatrix}1&\\&1\end{pmatrix}X^{-1}.$$ As one of the diagonal entries is zero, $A^n$ is approaching a matrix of $\boxed{\text{rank } 1}$ (and so not going to $\begin{pmatrix}0&0\\0&0\end{pmatrix}$)
We can compute the eigenvalues explicitly, of course. From the quadratic formula for $\det(A-\lambda I) = \lambda^2 - \mathrm{trace}(A) \lambda + \det A$, we get $\lambda = 0.6 \pm \sqrt{0.6^2 - (0.6^2 - 0.4^2)} = 0.6 \pm 0.4 = 1 \textrm{ or } 0.2$. We can also check this in Julia below. So the diagonalization of $A$ is $X\begin{pmatrix}1&\\&0.2\end{pmatrix}X^{-1}$ where $X$ is the matrix of $A$'s eigenvectors. As $n \to \infty$, we have $$A^n = X\begin{pmatrix}1&\\&0.2\end{pmatrix}^nX^{-1} = X\begin{pmatrix}1^n&\\&0.2^n\end{pmatrix}X^{-1} \to X\begin{pmatrix}1&\\&0\end{pmatrix}X^{-1}.$$ As one of the diagonal entries is zero, $A^n$ is approaching a matrix of $\boxed{\text{rank } 1}$ (and so not going to $\begin{pmatrix}0&0\\0&0\end{pmatrix}$).
$B$ is not a Markov matrix, so we'll just calculate the eigenvalues explicitly. Via the quadratic formula, we get $\lambda = 0.6 \pm \sqrt{0.6^2 - (0.6^2 - 0.9 \times 0.1)} = 0.6 \pm \sqrt{0.09} = 0.6 \pm 0.3 = 0.3 \textrm{ or } 0.9$ So the diagonalization of $B$ is $X\begin{pmatrix}0.3&\\&0.9\end{pmatrix}X^{-1}$ where $X$ is the matrix of $B$'s eigenvectors. As $n \to \infty$, we have $$B^n = X\begin{pmatrix}0.3&\\&0.9\end{pmatrix}^nX^{-1} = X\begin{pmatrix}0.3^n&\\&0.9^n\end{pmatrix}X^{-1} \to X\begin{pmatrix}0&\\&0\end{pmatrix}X^{-1}.$$ As both of the diagonal entries are zero, $B^n$ is approaching a matrix of $\boxed{\text{rank } 0}$, and so must be going to $\begin{pmatrix}0&0\\0&0\end{pmatrix}$.
The code below confirms this.
A = [0.6 0.4; 0.4 0.6];
B = [0.6 0.9; 0.1 0.6];
using LinearAlgebra
# compute eigenvalues
λ_A = eigvals(A);
λ_B = eigvals(B);
@show λ_A
@show λ_B
# check high powers
@show A^100;
@show B^100;
λ_A = [0.19999999999999996, 1.0] λ_B = [0.29999999999999993, 0.8999999999999999] A ^ 100 = [0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5] B ^ 100 = [1.3280699443793745e-5 3.984209833138124e-5; 4.426899814597916e-6 1.3280699443793748e-5]
(b) Note that the eigenvalues of $A - \mu I$ are $0.2 - \mu$ and $1.0 - \mu$, with the same corresponding eigenvectors as $A$. Then $A - \mu I = X\begin{pmatrix}0.2 - \mu&\\&1.0 - \mu\end{pmatrix}X^{-1}$ and in particular, $$\sqrt{A - \mu I} = X\begin{pmatrix}0.2 - \mu&\\&1.0 - \mu\end{pmatrix}^{\frac{1}{2}}X^{-1} = X\begin{pmatrix}\sqrt{0.2 - \mu}&\\&\sqrt{1.0 - \mu}\end{pmatrix}X^{-1}.$$ Note that $X$ and $X^{-1}$ are real matrices. For $\sqrt{A - \mu I}$ to be a real matrix, we thus need $\sqrt{0.2 - \mu}$ and $\sqrt{1.0 - \mu}$ to be real, or equivalently, $\mu \le 0.2$ and $\mu \le 1.0$. So the answer is $\boxed{\mu \le 0.2}$.
The code below confirms this.
# test μ from 0 to 1 in 0.1 increments
for μ in LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 11)
X = sqrt(A - μ * I);
println("μ: ", μ);
μ: 0.0 [0.7236067977499787 0.276393202250021; 0.276393202250021 0.7236067977499787] μ: 0.1 [0.6324555320336757 0.3162277660168379; 0.3162277660168379 0.6324555320336757] μ: 0.2 [0.4472135954999578 0.4472135954999578; 0.4472135954999578 0.4472135954999578] μ: 0.3 ComplexF64[0.4183300132670377 + 0.15811388300841897im 0.4183300132670377 - 0.15811388300841897im; 0.4183300132670377 - 0.15811388300841897im 0.4183300132670377 + 0.15811388300841897im] μ: 0.4 ComplexF64[0.38729833462074165 + 0.223606797749979im 0.38729833462074165 - 0.223606797749979im; 0.38729833462074165 - 0.223606797749979im 0.38729833462074165 + 0.223606797749979im] μ: 0.5 ComplexF64[0.35355339059327373 + 0.27386127875258304im 0.35355339059327373 - 0.27386127875258304im; 0.35355339059327373 - 0.27386127875258304im 0.35355339059327373 + 0.27386127875258304im] μ: 0.6 ComplexF64[0.3162277660168379 + 0.3162277660168379im 0.3162277660168379 - 0.3162277660168379im; 0.3162277660168379 - 0.3162277660168379im 0.3162277660168379 + 0.3162277660168379im] μ: 0.7 ComplexF64[0.27386127875258304 + 0.35355339059327373im 0.27386127875258304 - 0.35355339059327373im; 0.27386127875258304 - 0.35355339059327373im 0.27386127875258304 + 0.35355339059327373im] μ: 0.8 ComplexF64[0.22360679774997888 + 0.38729833462074165im 0.22360679774997888 - 0.38729833462074165im; 0.22360679774997888 - 0.38729833462074165im 0.22360679774997888 + 0.38729833462074165im] μ: 0.9 ComplexF64[0.15811388300841892 + 0.4183300132670377im 0.15811388300841892 - 0.4183300132670377im; 0.15811388300841892 - 0.4183300132670377im 0.15811388300841892 + 0.4183300132670377im] μ: 1.0 ComplexF64[0.0 + 0.4472135954999578im 0.0 - 0.4472135954999578im; 0.0 - 0.4472135954999578im 0.0 + 0.4472135954999578im]