JULIA NOTEBOOKS Alternative to PS1 (No MATLAB, no MITx)

For problem set 1, we are offering students an alternative to MITx with MATLAB. Students can use Julia and submit their notebooks by email to mitjulia1806@gmail.com for human grading.

Should you choose MATLAB or Julia? There is no one right answer. MATLAB has been around a long time and is widely used. Julia is relatively new, but has become highly popular worldwide, in part because it is open source, and freely available, but also because of its speed on large problems.

If you wish to use Julia, the easiest way is to go to juliabox and log in with your google account. (recommended)
Alternatively Julia is available on athena, and can be downloaded (sometimes easily, sometimes not so easily) by following the directions on The Julia Downloads Page . If you want to install Julia and IJulia yourself you might take a peak at the nicely written Quantitative Economics web page .

For reference, the Julia version of ps1 can be viewed as a pdf file but the actual homework is an ipython notebook file meant to be run inside of IJulia. One easy way to grab the notebook is to open up Julia Box go to the console and type the command
wget http://web.mit.edu/18.06/www/Spring15/1806pset1.ipynb
You can then click on IJulia, refresh the notebooks and you should see your workbook. You can also download IJulia Notebook for ps1 (Download by right clicking or option clicking) . onto your local computer, and drag the notebook into Juliabox. (Note -- clicking on the file leads to barely readable text, and is not recommended.) Questions on piazza about this process will be promptly answered.
Another way, maybe easier to load the file into juliabox is to

To submit your homework, use the Juliabox FILE menu (not the browser's!) and download as Ipython notebook and email the ipynb file to mitjulia1806@gmail.com before Thursday, Feb 12 at 4pm with subject 18.06PS1 Alternatively you can print to pdf and send that.

SUMMARY: Julia is an alternative way to do the homework, but does not use MITx. Grading is equivalent to the use of MITx, but will be performed by human graders. We may see about hooking up Julia directly to MITx some day but this may not happen this semester.