(1a) $A$ is diagonalizable if it can be written $X\Lambda X^{-1}$ for some invertible matrix $X$. The eigenvalues go on the diagonal of $\Lambda$ (in any order) and the corresponding eigenvectors are the columns of $X$.
(GS p314 6.2 p1) Factor the following matrices into $A = X\Lambda X^{-1}$:
$A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 3 \end{bmatrix}$ and $A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 3 & 3 \end{bmatrix}$.
(1b) If $A=X \Lambda X^{-1}$ then $A^3=( \ )( \ )( \ )$ and $A^{-1}=( \ )( \ )( \ )$.
(Optional) Check your work:
using LinearAlgebra
A = [1 2; 0 3]
Λ,X = eigen(A)
display(Λ) # Eigenvalues in machine picked order
display(X) # Eigenvectors normalized to unit vectors
Λ,X = eigen(A^3)
Λ,X = eigen(inv(A))
(2). Find the pattern. (We are not asking for an explanation. We want you to experiment and observe.)
(2a) When n=3, if you generate random real matrices which of the following seem to be possible:
$[ \ ]$ All complex eigenvalues, $[ \ ]$ All real eigenvalues, $ [ \ ]$ 2 Real, One Complex, $ [ \ ]$ 2 Complex, One Real
howmany = 10 # if you like change 10 to anything
n = 3
for i = 1:howmany
display(eigvals(randn(n,n))) # random n x n
(2b) When n=4, if you generate random real matrices what possibilities emerge for how many real and complex eigenvalues: (Note four real eigenvalues can happen, but it seems a bit rarer.)
howmany = 20
n = 4
for i = 1:howmany
(2c) What do you observe if the matrix is symmetric or antisymmetric? Try n=3,4,5. (You may interpret as 0 floating point numbers with an e-16 (meaning $10^{-16}$, E for exponent) or less.)
howmany = 5
n = 4
for i = 1:howmany
A = randn(n,n)
A += A' # This means add A' (same as Aᵀ) to A making A symmetric
(3a) (GS p.314 p4) True or false: If the columns of X (eigenvectors of A) are linearly independent then
(a) A is invertible?
(b) A is diagonalizable
(c) X is invertible?
(d) X is diagonalizable
(3b) (GS p. 315 p11) True or false: If the eigenvalues of $A$ are $2,2,5$ then the matrix is certainly
(a) invertible
(b) diagonalizable
(c) not diagonalizable.
(3c) (GS p. 315 p. 12) True or false: If the only eigenvectors of $A$ are multiples of (1,4) then A has
(a) no inverse
(b) a repeated eigenvalue
(c) no diagonalization $X \Lambda X^{-1}$.
(Possible Hint: Permuting the rows or columns of a matrix does not influence the singular values.)
We admit this is straightforward, so why did we avoid it? From a practical perspective this can be numerically unstable as an algorithm. From a mathematical perspective, by getting too caught up with eigendecompositions, one loses perspective of all the utility of the SVD that we have seen all semester.
Find a pattern (as an experimentalist, without proof) for the absolute values of eigenvalues of orthognal matrices.
using LinearAlgebra
n = 5
Q, = qr(randn(n,n)) # Q stored in a clever factorized form
λ = eigvals(Matrix(Q))
(10) The Tribonacci numbers are defined in analogy to the Fibonacci numbers: $T_1=T_2=0$, $\ T_3=1$, $T_n=T_{n-1}+T_{n-2}+T_{n-3}$ (for $n>3$)
# Inefficient but straightforward computation
T(n) = n>3 ? T(n-1)+T(n-2)+T(n-3) : n==3 ? 1 : 0
[T(n) for n=1:15]'
(Not required: but if you want to understand the Julia it says if n>3, use the recurrence, if n=3 return 1, otherwise 0)
Let $u_k = \begin{pmatrix} T_{k+2} \\ T_{k+1} \\ T_k \end{pmatrix}$. Find a matrix A that relates $u_{k+1}$ to $u_k$
M = [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] # Template for a 3x3 matrix
A = # Write the correct numbers
Verify numerically that the largest eigenvalue of $A$ is
ϕ = (1+∛(19+3*√33)+∛(19-3*√33))/3
and the other two eigenvalues have absolute value less than 1.
Explain why T(31)/T(30) should be about ϕ
Using Julia, expand u₁ in an eigenvector basis obtaining the coefficients c. (Two of which are complex, and one may have roundoff as an imaginary part.)
Λ,X = eigen(A) # Λ is a vector of eigenvalues in Julia for efficiency
c = X\[1,0,0] # Solve Xc = [1,0,0]
A student wishes to approximate the 18th Tribonacci number. Explain why the above expression is correct, including the role played by c[1], X[1,1], 15, and 18.
T(18) - real(c[1]*X[1,1]*ϕ^15) # error
2 * real(c[2]*X[1,2]*Λ[2]^15 )
The above formula is the exact error to the student's approximation. Explain.