This problem set is due Friday, Feb 4 at 11am.
You should submit your pset electronically via Canvas as PDF files. Submit a decent-quality scan of any handwritten solutions (e.g. get a scanner app on your phone), and a PDF printout of your Jupyter notebook showing any code and (clearly labeled results).
Suppose $A$ is a $3 \times 3$ matrix, $B$ is a $3 \times 2$ matrix, $x$ is a 3-component column vector, and $y$ is a $2$-component column vector.
What is the shape of the output (e.g. scalar, $4\times 3$ matrix, 5-component column vector, etcetera) of the following operations, or say nonsense if the operation doesn't make sense.
(From Strang, section 2.2, problem 11.)
A system of linear equations Ax=b cannot have exactly two solutions. An easy way to see why: if two vectors x and y≠x are two solutions (i.e. Ax=b and Ay=b), what is another solution? (Hint: x+y is almost right.)
Either (ideally) download and install Julia and IJulia/Jupyter by following these instructions, or (slower, less convenient) run Julia in the cloud using these instructions.
that takes in any 3-component vector $x$ and outputs ($Ax$) the components in reverse order. For example, this is how you enter a matrix in Julia:A = [ 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 ] # this is a 2×4 matrix … not the right answer
2×4 Matrix{Int64}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3. Multiply A
by the vector x = [1,2,3]
to check that it is doing what you want.
4. Try computing A*A
. The result should be a very simple linear operation: what?
Be sure to include a PDF printout of your notebook with your submitted solutions.